Archive for July, 2009

Native Houses in Odiongan

When you came accross to some far barangay in Odiongan, you will commonly see this kind of house, with only one door (front). This is my grandmother’s house beside us…

Drinking Buddies (Are they going to help?)

According to the statistics, Odiongan has a bigger demand when it comes to alcoholic drink (esp. Gin). There is a time that Gin is out of supply in some store., Romblon is one of the poorest province in the Philippines. So how could these poeple manage to buy such alcoholic drinks?
I have been asking this question ever since, my father says he drink so he can sleep at night from a very tiring work during day time. Yes, they make those alcoholic drink as a relief for body pains. Working as a carpenter is a very tiring work, whole day in the sun hammering nails, cleaning woods, cementing walls and etc.
Other drinks alcoholic drink to forget problems, the question is did it help?
I have always heard my mother asking my father, does your drinking buddies will help when you get sick? Are they going to be there and give support?
The answer is NO, they will all disappear. No one will help you when you get sick, they know you as long you can buy and drink with them, they just know you beyond the table you are circling with. My late grandfather from Tarlac (motherside), has come through all this, everybody knows him when he have money, but when everything goes down no one has left from the many friends he had before, you cannot even see his drinking buddies. He died, because of lack of medical care, medicine.
We lived far from them they are on the North (Tarlac) and we are at the South (Romblon). My grandfather has no degree he works as “JUETENG agent” (it is like lottery). My grandmother has a small store but it melts because of competency when a big store opened in front of them and lack of financial to make it stable.

Well as I have said drinking buddies were not for keeps, there are times that a crime happened while drinking. Shot or killed by his drinking mate thats usual in newspapers.
I just hope when man drinks keep in mind what will happened if you got drunk…

Flowers: Makes your day colorful! : How True it is?

When you feel sad and blue, flowers can help you gay.
That’s what the saying says but …
It’s been a two days since i wrote about my life, I just hope everybody is going to listen with me. I have a problem to deal with.

It is almost one month since my father has no work, as what I have told before he is a carpenter and he is the only source of our living. If no work , no food. It is hard to live this kind of life. And like what I say I am with my husband, I have no problem regarding what to eat because he feed me well. My problem is my family in the Philippines, since father lost his job, they are striving very hard now to live…maybe still lucky that last season we have few rice sacks(father plant rice because it was his term to plant, it ends last june), but because it is always raining in the Philippines (rainy season) they cannot make the grains dry to be milled. My mother has no work, so no one will help them. My sister is studying, she need everyday allowance going to town. Not like when I am still there,I have a work even I only get a small compensation.

My additional problem is my father he needs to be check-up, my sister told me one day that his left chest is growing and I don’t have money to support it or my family has none. In our province, medical facilities is poor (Romblon). I have ask my husband to lend me some amount so I can send it to my family, but he just laughed and says “How could you pay me? You don’t have a work?” It sucks, it really hurts, I burts crying last night…I feel so weak, hopeless and helpless….I don’t know what to do. I guess you understand what I feel, you cannot let something bad happened with your family. You love them more than you love your life, you will do anything for them. That’s what I feel…

I am looking for work online, but regarding with my visa here in Korea (i am not allowed to work here, I can work but illegaly). So I am looking a work in China, even online job or the data entry job I am looking for it. I also started blogging so I can earn with adsense, but how long it will takes so I can send money to my family, they need to eat, my father needs a medical care. I am so lost, I can’t stop my tears… I want to do something but I don’t know how. I never stop praying…

So help me God!


P.S. Anybody knows other way to make money online?

Odiongan (Tablas) Security Agency


Well, Odiongan is being progressive now a days. A new security agency was established, to help poor people in the community to have a job.

This agency is located at the rooftop of JEN & L Bldg. or the ODIONGAN LODGE.

Cats or Stuffed Toys?

This is JOVEN, the mother cat.
Paul, 1st daughter



Theodore (2)

Snipey, Snowbell, Theodore and Paul

I just want to show you guys how cute my cats are, I already now have a 7 cats at home.

When I have a problem, I just hugged my favorite cats (Snipey & Theodore), as if they know how I feel. My thoughts lessen for a bit, from the comfort and warm I have got from them.

I don’t how to start this, i just want to lessen up my feelings. I feel i am all alone out of this. I am Filipino who was married to a Canadian. I came from a poor family, my father is just a carpenter in town but behind this i graduated my degree, with the help of my scholarships. I am here in Korea, i have been here by a tourist visa changing it to F3, i had arrived here about last last week of July. My husband is a teacher here. My problem starts when my father had no more work, because he is just a freelance carpenter and you know how difficult life in the Philippines, there is a big competition with that kind of work. A typhoon strucks our Province, that makes their daily living harder. I want to help but i can’t, i don’t have a work here (my F3 visa won’t allow me to work too). It hurts when u hear them they cannot eat because there is nothing to eat, i know life is very difficult in there..coz i have experienced those difficulties and hardships. I am currently looking for work online, but for everybody’s knowing…it’s a hard thing to do, especially i am not a Korean speaker, i can’t even read Korean language. Filipinos get hired here through government, which means my tendecy to be hired is very low. I have told my husband that my family is in need, they are asking if i already have a work here. My husband ask me if i told them that i can’t work here with my visa. I said yes, he ask me too if my father is looking for a job or just waiting that i will have a job? I was insulted, he doesn’t even know how hard to look for a job as a carpenter, our province is just an island. People there were poor like us, so how could he have job if no one is going to build a house? My husband told me too, if i found work here, i will shoulder my own food and half of the utilities here, and maybe i could pay him the plane ticket he had purchased for me in order i can come here. He also added i will also pay the dental fee, he paid for me. Yes, it hurts! It just feel i am betrayed of someone I love. Do you ever think that your husband will askyou for the things he gave to you afterwards? I am really hurt, writing this blog i am crying. I can’t stop crying, I want him to understand me and my family. He gave me choices, either i can have work to other country or go home to the Philippines and find a work. I know that my family is my responsibility not his responsibility. What i want is some word of consolation, not to ask me anything afterwards. I am really hurt, especially sometimes he called me his maid. Even he call me like that in a a joke way, it still hurt from within.

Family Reunion

Odionganon’s were hospitable. Family is important to them, like all Filipinos.

Odionganon’s Love to Play

D’ WORKERS TEAM [They are called D’WORKERS because all of the players were workers (carpentry)]

People of Pato-o

This is a championship game between D’WORKERS and HARDCOURT. Played in an open field along the barangay road.

This game ends questionable. D’WORKERS was the defending champion, and in this championship game they need to beat the opponent twice. According to the volleyball rule championship played five sets, but this game was played only four sets that made the D’WORKERS 1st placer and not the champion.
Questions were given to the management, but he just said twice to beat. Aha, sponsoring a game without knowing the rules? Too bad! As if he don’t know way back 2008 they also sponsor the same game where D’WORKERS compete five sets.

What i don’t like to other people is the way they act, some were too boastful. As if you have to bow for them, their highness!

Welcome to Pato-o, Odiongan

This way is going to our barangay. That’s the only part cemented, this is still part of Barangay Poctoy.

We are now here in Barangay Pato-o, the biggest barangay in town of Odiongan. Road here is not yet cemented, so sometimes when I walked home from school my school shoes torned easily.

Little by little the road of Barangay Pato-o became cemented, just some part of it.

This picture is taken before the Barangay Fiesta, volleybal competition beside the Barangay Captain house open field.


This fruit is called BALIMBING in Tagalog, SABIRIL in Bisaya dialect and CARAMBOLA or STAR FRUIT in English.

This tree is older than me, it was planted at the back portion of our house. I don’t know who planted it, they told us when we are little it was my late uncle who planted it. He was slained in a restaurant without any reason.
This is my favorite tree when I was still a little kid, when I feel hungry I just went up to the three bringing some salt in my hand. Well, I am not the only kid who loves this tree, everybody on the neighborhood like it too. Baptist church is just near us, so every sunday those little kids after Sunday school or before they are already at the Balimbing Tree. They look like little monkeys. lol.

There’s a time that I thought this tree wouldn’t survived anymore because termites ate the tree’s body, but time heals all wounds, the tree survived.
Until now, this tree served a food for kids like me who’s hungry from playing.This tree still feed my niece and nephews (from my cousins).
Well for the information of others I have included some article about this plant, this is also medicinal plant:


Small tree growing to a height of 6 meters or less. Leaves are pinnate, about 15 cm long. Leaflets are smooth, pairs and ovate to ovate-lanceolate. Pannicles are small, axillary and bell-shaped, 5-6 mm long. Calyx is reddish purple. Petals are purple, often margined with white. Fruit is fleshy green to greenish yellow, about 6 cm long, with 5 longitudinal, sharp and angular lobes. Seeds are arillate.
Medical properties and constituents

Vermifuge, laxative, refrigerant, antiscorbutic, febrifuge, sialogogue, antiphlogistic, stimulant, emmenagogue, anodyne, emetic.Studies indicate the presence of saponins, alkaloids, flavonoids and tannins.
Planted in cultivated and semi-cultivated areas.
Parts used
Leaves, flowers, seeds, fruit..UsesNutritionalEdible fruit is a source of iron (low in calcium) and vitamins B and C, oxalate and potassium.
  • Tea of boiled leaves used for aphthous stomatitis.
  • Crushed shoots or leaves used externally for headaches and ringworm.
  • Boiled flowers used to expel worms: 50 gms to a pint of boiling water; drunk in normal doses.
  • Fruit is laxative.
  • Decoction of fruit, 50 gms to a pint of boiling water, 4-5 glasses a day for bleeding piles.Juice of fresh fruit for affections of the eyes.
  • Seed is used for asthma and colic:
  • Powdered seeds, 10 gms to a cup of warm water, drunk 4 times daily.
  • In India, the ripe fruit is used to stop hemorrhages and relieve hemorrhoidal bleeding.
  • The dried fruit or juice used for fevers.
The acid type carambola dissolves tarnish and rust, occasionally used for cleaning and polishing metal.Fruit juice is used to remove stains.Contains potassium oxalate which is used for dyeing.
• Negative inotropic and chronotropic effects on the guinea pig atrium of extracts obtained from Averrhoa carambola L. leaves: The study showed that the A. carambola extract is an agent that strongly depresses the heart rate and the myocardial contractile force. Although the active compound has not been identified, its action on the L-type Ca2+ channels is important to explain the mechanism of action of this plant on the mammalian atrial myocardium.
• Fatal outcome after ingestion of star fruit (Averrhoa carambola) in uremic patients: The study warns that patients with renal failure who ingest star fruit may develop neurological symptoms and run the risk of death in severe cases.
• Neurotoxicity: Report of study on 32 uraemic patients who ingested star fruit. Most common presenting symptoms were persistent hiccups, vomiting, mental confusion, psychomotor agitation, insomnia, paresthesias and seizures. Ideal treatment was daily hemodialysis.
• Antioxidant: Research reports the residues from star fruit juicing process is a rich and excellent source of extractable phenolic antioxidants
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