Archive for July, 2009

Winnowing the Palay grains(Separating the black hull)

Palay Drying in Odiongan

You can see this stuff in some barangay in Odiongan, making the rice grain to dry to bring them to rice milling station. They were placed roadside.

Farming 2

After planting you have to continue weeding the rice field.

Farming in Odiongan

This a small field my father had started farming, his family owned this. This is a field of stones. My father started planting here last year.

In eight siblings of my grandma, yearly one sibling has the right to plant rice. Before it was done by partners, two siblings in every year but because it just a two rectangle of field it is not enough, especially those time there’s no water to supply the field. No irrigation, nobody in the family used to plant rice in a two rectangle field near the pepper farm that field was pawned many times. But things changed around the middle of the year 2007 when the irrigation were finally made.

It was year 2008 when my father thought of farming, because it was his term to plow the field. With high aspirations, my father hope for a good harvest so little by little he saved some from his carpentry earnings so he can started to make the field ready.
As you can see at the above picture, after plowing you have remove the snails before you can plant rice…it is a hard job.

Boat Canteen

This is inside the boat, it is a canteen for the passengers. As you can see at the picture there is an old woman with a yellow basket, she is not one of the passengers but she is one of the boat vendors. You can see them at the Odiongan Port terminal, bringing their baskets and selling their stuffs. When the passengers where ask to board the ship they will board the ship too, to sell. They will given enough time and when the boat or ship will leave you will a voice at the speakers “Purya bisita, purya bisita” calling the attention of the vendors to move down. Before it is a call for some people who escorted their love ones at the boat, but since some escorts went to Manila without the boat ticket they were not allowed anymore to comes up the ship, they just stayed at the terminal.

Just remember you have to keep your boat ticket because it will be inspected after the boat leaves the respected port. If you cannot show your boat ticket you have to pay another ticket. Ticket will be inspected twice, before you aboard the ship and after the boat leaves the port.

Kid’s for Coins

You can see those kids at Odiongan Port, beside the ship. They’re waiting for some coins from the passenger. If you do throw some coins they will dive and swim for it. Sometimes they show some tricks.

It’s been a long time since I have seen kids at the Odiongan Port, the last time (except this time)I have seen it is when I am still a little kid. As what I heard those kids where prohibited to swim near the ship, I just don’t know why they show again after so many years.

No parking in Odiongan

This is the best way to park, when you saw a NO PARKING SIGN! (lol)

Odiongan Photos

This pictures were taken at the rooftop of ODIONGAN LODGE, as you can see this street is part of Barangay Tabing-Dagat. For your knowing, the building with a green roof is a church (Philippine Independent Church) facing it is DPWH Office (Department of Public Works and Highways) (red roof) and beside the DPWH is the LTO (Land Transportation Office).

If you notice you can see the sea at the above picture. Just look straight ahead. This is still Barangay Tabing-dagat, located in Odiongan.

Odiongan Shore Near the Odiongan Port

This gasoline station (PETRON) is the biggest gasoline station in Odiongan. The other one is located at the North side of the town. Gasoline in Odiongan is not cheaper but so expensive that makes those passenger vehicles fare expensive too. Well there is a time that this gasoline station is out of stock of gasoline, the hearsay says the vessel tank did not yet arrive. That makes the gasoline became more expensive in every gasoline outlet, sometimes it will took three days before the gasoline will be available and in that case other vehicles and the drivers were just at home because there’s no gasoline to full their tank. When that thing occurs the fare in single (motor) grown up, it will reached P30.00 every trip. If there is two passengers you will divide it by two if you are just alone you have to pay for it.
Other single driver were too abusive they will ask for big fare and when you ask them why they will say there is no gasoline everywhere and if there is it is very expensive. You can’t do nothing but pay, you will just say “shit” silently. Well for everybody’s knowing those single driver were “kulorum” which means no license to operate, while others has no license to drive. Lol! Ye, that is funny. I think those unit who were assigned to pick them up were doing their job (I just don’t know how) but those single drivers has unity. (hehehe).
Well you cannot blame those single drivers, they have family to support and they need to eat. The common job for poor Odionganon’s were farming, fishing, carpentry, and driving a single vehicle.

Transportation 2

Well this is a normal jeep in Odiongan way back then, especially in Barangay Pato-o. I have also experienced to ride at the top of the jeepney since Elementary, because we are just kids with a small amount of fare the conductors want us to stand at the middle of the jeepney which is too tight or close to each other because there is still a long wood chair in the center of the jeepney who older people were sitting. We are like sardines in can, you can smell each other, you cannot even move your body.

Then it comes to the point that your head will bump to the ceiling and the conductor won’t let you sit down to the chair intended for the older students.

So my I and my cousins, decided to go to the top of the jeepney, where we can breath widely above, so spacious and you watch the scenery along our way home. Until I have reached my high school days I still love to ride above the jeepney but thing changes when the jeepney terminal was transferred to New Market which is ten minutes walk from our school (RSC). So sometimes on high school I decided to walk home which take one hour for me to do so. Because it is more ecomical to walk than to take a single (motor). I can’t catch the jeepney in the new market (our school is located in the old market) when the National High School went out, where almost of the passenger was from them.
Well walking is good, until college I have to walk sometimes it is not because I love walking but because I cannot afford my fare. Yes, my allowance which is just P25.00 everyday, then it comes that I have to pay for my photocopy in school (You know writing is not popular in College it is already photocopy or the one they called Xerox Copy). Going to town I have to pay P10.00 for the single driver (which is now P15.00) then when you arrive at your school (Romblon State College), you have to use P15.00 or more than that so you can secure a copy of your lesson because the following day there is an exam, sometimes there is a day where you need photocopy of your lessons in every subject, well what is the use of our hands if I cannot write, so i borrow my classmates photocopy and jot all the important things which I am assuming to be seen on our exam. That’s why until college or until I graduated I still ot the callus on my hand by writing.(Lol).

What I don’t like walking with my uniform or not is, single driver or some people will ask me why I am walking. I feel a bit shy because the street is quite wide for me, I am the only one walking (huhuhu). I just quietly answered “I am walking I am not riding” then laugh afterwards. Sometimes when I am walking I walk and put my right hand on my right pocket and let my coins sound so they can hear I have money but i have choose to walk (well they doesn’t know that my money is not enough for my fare going home, hehehe). Fare going home is different when you are going to town. It cost P20.00 which is P25.00 now. Jeepney is not advisable for me that time because college has different schedule, i had a class at 6 PM or 7 PM sometimes. Last jeepney is around 5 PM or earlier than that.

Now, a days jeepney with people above is quite few maybe because there is a lot of passenger jeepney now compare to old days.

I still miss being at the top of the jeepney, hopefully I can make it sometimes. lol

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