Archive for December, 2009

Golden Chicken

It was been a long time since my last post, I have been busy in facebook playing farmville and collecting golden eggs and somehow golden chickens. It was so fun especially when there’s a lot of people online collecting the golden eggs from the same neighbor you had. It is like a contest, first come first serve, there is a chance that in 2 seconds the golden was already claimed by the fastest farmer. So if you really want to have one you have to guard the wall as hawk. It was so fun especially when you got one, you can get a carousel, animal float, picnic basket, black chicken, brown chicken, white and gold chicken. Sometimes it varies from the color of egg you hatched., Oh yeah before I forgot the most important thing you can get by hatching a golden egg is 20 fuel refills, others can get 55 fuel refills. It was a lot of help in plowing, seeding and harvesting your crops, it makes the work easier. I’ve got 20 fuel refills in two times.
This was the reason why I don’t have anymore time in blogging and clicking some PTC sites, been addicted with golden eggs, I have told my husband that even I closed my eyes I can still see a golden egg on my mind. (Lol)I am just blogging it right now because currently there is no golden eggs or any kind of eggs on my wall.

New Space Heater

Temperature here in Korea is getting colder, today it is actually -8 degree celsius, even the whole apartment except the bathroom and the balcony has a floor heater it is not enough because gas is so expensive that you cannot run the floor heater for 24 hours, so along with the food that we bought in the new open supermarket, we bought this space heater., I am thankful because it makes me warm at night not like with just the floor heater I need to sit in the floor just to feel the warm.
Well just a while ago our landlord came with fellow Koreans they fix the pipes because he says it is leaking on the 2nd floor they also fix the floor, put some metal and rubber to enable the floor heater work properly but I guess it is too late we already bought this space heater.

Grand Opening Sale

The best thing when shopping is when all items were on sale.
After throwing our garbage to the community bin, I saw a pamphlet beyond the stairs, as usual it is for store or food places pamphlets I just picked it up. It is normal here in Korea, you can see a lot of pamphlets and ads sticked into your door. I left it on top of our microwave, and then I have been busy to anything, later that day my husband saw it and got interested to look at it. He said it is supermarket grand opening, he is wondering where it is because he cannot understand what he is reading in the map. I just told him as a guess that it is the building in the store where two people were singing and there’s a lot of flowers., they’re been singing for three days at first I thought it is just our neighboor singing videoke we just found out that it was in the street when we went to Itaewon. Hubby said we’re going to look for their items, because it is really cheaper. So we did after few hours, it is
an underground supermarket, even it already late at night there still a lot of shoppers, mostly with a full cart. We just roam around, and look for what we want. We already had our shopping last Saturday so we cannot make a double shopping, but been tempted upon seeing low prices so these what we got. There’s a free container? the green “palanggana”. (lol)

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