Archive for December, 2009
Our Backpacks
Getting ready to Sri Lanka, nine more days before Christmas, after our visit at International Clinic at Itaewon last Saturday we went shopping We shopped I mean we bought bakpacks for us to carry to Sri Lanka, hubby decided to buy backpack because he is getting tired carrying his big luggage with wheels (lol) and I know partly he want me to carry my own bag. There are a lot of shops along the streets but only few had backpacks mostly our bags with strolley or even there are backpacks it doesn’t fit our taste. So until we end at this one shop they have a big sale the backpack originally cost W95,000 dropped to W45,000 my husband was already convince to buy that one but I disagree when he wants to buy two of them because it is the same color and style, I want something different but unfortunately that’s all they have so we went to the other shop beside it and pomise to return i we don’t find any. At the new shop we found what we are looking for but there is a feeling that I want too see more, I was pissed off when my hubby was too eager to buy right that time, maybe he was tired walking and looking. The original price of the bag was W45,000 but the lady dropped it to W30,000 maybe because she saw me really pissed off because at first he said W40,000. I have said yes to my husband because I thought he is going to choose different style but when the lady packed the bags he choose same style with me but different color. I feel a little bit annoyed and tell him, hmmmp, I want our bags not in the same style. , in the end I have thought I think it looks good that we have the same bag, right?
Vaccination’s Mania
Atlast something new happened to my life last Saturday, we went to Itaewon which is 45 minutes from our location travelling by subway. We have a appointment at the International Clinic, for our prescription for Malaria, as what I have said to my other blog we are going to Sri Lanka this Christmas. Malaria is common to Sri Lanka so we need to be sure not to have it, so after filling-up some form at the receiving area, the nurse took our weight, height and blood pressure.
Afterward meeting the doctor, he ask about our travel and schedule and etc., he also manage to ask if wha kind of vaccine we have and when was the last time we had a vaccination, hubby is completed unfortunately I am not, I told the doctor that my last vaccination was when I was a baby. I am completed with those vaccinations which I cannot remember maybe my mother does., oh, I was also vaccinated when I was seven years old, some nurses came to our school and gave us a vaccine when I was in grade one.
Toinks! The doctor laugh a little as hubby did, they said I need vaccinations, Jezzz, I am afraid of needles and injections. The doctor asked me If I want to have a vaccines today for Hepa A & B shots, the doctor also added I must have it.
My hubby want me to have it so I have too, I said yes. We just wait few minutes and here it comes,the nurse bringing the injections with the doses of drugs.She went to a small room and ask me to follow,I carry hubby with
me. Like a child eh, the nurse said I have FOUR vaccinations today, one for Hep A shot, Hep B, shot, DT and Typhoid., Wow, that’s a lot I don’t know if I can take it. I want to call “Nanay”, lol. On my first shot I hold hubby’s hand, hmmm it is just like an ant bite. Second hold the bed cover, third the nurse says “Relax, relax” fourth OMG, it hurts a lot! It feels I am going to jump as high as the roof. I am going to return after one month for the second shot of Hep A and then in June for the third and second shot of Hep B if I am not mistaken.
My hubby got pissed off of me, because I am not looking to the injections while the nurse was telling what kind of vaccine it is., after the vaccinations we went to the nearest drug store to buy those medicines prescribed to us by the doctor for the malaria prevention. He prescribed Malarone to us, whew very expensive it cost $3 per pill, we have to buy 34 pills (17 each of us). Hubby used his credit card because he pays a lot at the International clinic for my vaccinations.
The whole day of Saturday and Sunday my left arm is aching, due to the vaccination. I can’t move it, hubby says it is usual for a certain of vaccination, I don’t know which shot it is.
Pizza Friday
It was cheat day again last Friday and as usual I have to blog it today, toinkz!
Cheat Day. Why called cheat day? I know you are also wondering like me, so I have asked hubby because as what I have known cheat is to cheat, doing something out of the rules.
Well he just said it is cheat day because he is cheating on his diet every Friday, he ate a lot and a lot of sweet foods after the last day of his gymn schedule. That’s the tale of cheat day.. ^_^
We bought pizza’s last cheat day, hawaiian pizza for me and of course vegetable pizza for him, as what I am expecting he ate his pizza before I can take picture of it but I still manage to shot one (below).
There are also some chocolate cookies and a bottle of pepsi for me., I know I am kinda weird why I am blogging about pizza and everytime we ate during cheat day. You are going to say that you are also eating what I am eating and going to think that it seems I am new to everything or Mangyan to other term.
I also don’t know why I am blogging about it, but maybe because it is the only unusual day happen to my daily routine where I am just alone everyday and facing the computer on the whole day. My life during week days has no thrill, I am just all alone inside the apartment doing nothing but clicking keypads on hubby’s laptop. So boring and dull right? What should I do, I have no work to be busy of, nothing to clean after little chores. So just blogging cheat day is my fashion