Archive for March, 2010

A super Bibo little girl

Isn’t she cute?
The other night we went to VIPS again to dine in for dinner but this time here in Wangsimi where our hotel was. We both love steak and the unlimited salad bar of VIPS. I love the seafood and the yogurt ice cream the most.
We’re at the salad bar when a cute little girl is hanging around us, I ask her name she speak something but I can’t understand it. My hubby is getting his drink and this cute little girl point to and says Cola, my hubby ask her if she want him to try the cola and so on.,
We are already on our designated table when I noticed this cute little girl is walking and passing by around us, she’s going to smile when I caught her looking on our table. She will also look to my husband in the side of her eyes, I can’t count how many times she walk around there are times that she feel tired that she’s going to stop and grasp for air and smile. Maybe when she cannot resist anymore she went directly to our table and talk to us especially to my husband while she is playing with the light beside our table. It sounds she is telling a story or we just don’t know maybe she is introducing herself or asking us, we just smile to her and says we cannot understand even though we both don’t know if she understand us too. She is so cute especially when she giggle on her own jokes (I think). When I show her my camera she smile and posed (if you’re going to notice her hands), she is looking at my husband because he laughed when she posed in the front of the camera. She stayed with our table for few minutes until her mother came and get her. Her mom says “I’m sorry”we answered “It’s okay” it is really okay because we enjoy having a conversation with her cute kid, and the kid entertain us so much even we cannot understand each other. That’s the moment where my husband says he regret not learning Korean language., he regret that he cannot understand what the cute little girl is saying. Me too I hope I know what she is talking about., my husband thought afterwards while we are walking back to the hotel maybe I could study and learn Korean language.


I am Mixbook Giveaway Winner!!!

Remember my blog entitled Always & Forever ? That’s my entry for Mixbook giveaway hosted by Ave of Made in Canarias. I am happy to tell everybody that I won on this giveaway, and for the first time I received my prize.
It’s your lucky day: we just added $50.00 of credit to your account at!

You now have $50.00 of Mixbook credit. We’ll automatically apply your credit towards your next purchase, so treat yourself to a new Mixbook – you deserve it!

Thanks for Mixbooking!
The Mixbook Team

What’s the secret why I’ve won? Its a secret though just visit Made in Canarias

Throne in the Hall of Central Harmony

I just thought of joining Mellow Yellow Monday for the first time, I’ve seen this meme on some blogs along time ago but I don’t have enough time to join, and just today I’ve thought of joining when I visited Ateh Vernz blog and see her entry.
Anyway this photo was taken last August during our visit in China, this is inside the Forbidden City. This is the throne in the Hall of Central Harmony. It is one of the three halls of the Outer Court of the Forbidden City, in Beijing, China, along with the Hall of Supreme Harmony and Hall of Preserving Harmony. It is smaller than the other two halls, and is square in shape. It is used by the Emperor to prepare and rest before and during ceremonies.

Yellow is the color of the Emperor. Thus almost all roofs in the Forbidden City bear yellow glazed tiles. There are only two exceptions. The library at the Pavilion of Literary Profundity had black tiles because black was associated with water, and thus fire-prevention. Similarly, the Crown Prince’s residences have green tiles because green was associated with wood, and thus growth.
This is my first entry for Mellow Yellow Monday, to join just visit here:


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