Archive for June, 2010

Watery Wednesday

Happy Wednesday everyone! Here’s my lovely shots from Independence Hall of Korea , such a big fountain right?

Scorpions for sale

Have you tried eating exotic foods like frogs, bugs , sea horsesor scorpions? You want to eat if you have a chance? You can find a lot of these in China especially in Wangfujing Snack Street. More Pictures

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Sanford and Son

I am  thankful that we bought another bottle of peanut butter even though I am not the first one to open it I am still glad that there’s still a lot of it, let’s just wait for tomorrow if it won’t be empty again. Now I know why the peanut butter is empty even there’s no loaf of bread around, my husband wipe the peanut butter in top  of his slice apple.  Sossy!
Watching  comedy TV show’s is one of our stress reliever, I laughed hard while tamping my hand in the bed. We’re bit addicted now to the show entitled “Sanford and son” an old  American situation comedy that premiered on the NBC television network on January 14, 1972, and was broadcast for six seasons. The final original episode aired on March 25, 1977. The show was based on the BBC sitcom Steptoe and Son, my husband says he loves watching this TV show when he is still nine (9) years old. See how old is it? I am not born yet when this TV show was aired.
Anyway In 2007, Time magazine included the show on their list of the “100 Best TV Shows of All Time”. Fred Sanford (the father) is really funny especially when he is having his made-up heart attack where he always called his dead wife and when someone asked his name. 
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