Archive for June, 2010

All Customized Watches $4.99 includes shipping

I love ARTSCOW, do you? If not, you’re going to love this site, coupons and freebies. 
It’s been a while since the last promotion on photo watches and such was the success previously,so they thought for a blast and back by popular demand, they have the complete range of watches, including Italian charms, leather and steel straps and key chain versions. 
These photo watches are on offer for a jaw-dropping price of just $4.99 each with free international shipping. So for less than five bucks, put your favorite photos on watches to remind yourself of those happy pastimes.

Coupon Code: WATCHSALE
Expiry Date: 06/30/2010

As you can see I just ordered mine for my sister as late birthday gift to her, I am just too lucky I earned few bucks from my PTC sites. Hope she’s going to like it. 
What are you waiting for? Choose your style of watch and start your design now at ARTSCOW.

Guard Changing Ceremony in Red

If there’s Blue there’s red, so here’s my entry for Ruby Tuesday. Still taken in Gyeongbukgong Palace, we really waited until the guard changing ceremony is done.

At the entrance gate, I am bit of mad that time because my husband don’t want to take photo of me beside one of the guard.

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Peanut Butter Craze

Don’t know what to say, after posting my Blue Monday entry I feel kind of hungry so I rush into the kitchen and prepare a loaf of bread and grab the bottle of peanut butter. OMG, in my surprise it is almost empty. I think there’s two wipe left for bread. We just bought it yesterday. Dunno what happened I guess hubby’s eating the peanut butter alone, because I just buy a loaf of bread today to the other supermarket because there’s no bread on the supermarket we used to shop, after consuming it all in preparing grilled cheese sandwich the other day.  TLast week it happened too, when I sleep the peanut butter is full when I wake up just one wipe to my bread and its gone.

I guess next time I am going to grab two bottle of peanut butter in the supermarket, one for me and for him. We both like it eh.,

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