Archive for June, 2010

Just feeling bored

Don’t know what’s going on with me. Feeling tired, no time to blog and I just enjoying myself to play this stupid game in Zynga, after I devoted my time playing games they just increase the amount of virtual food I need so I can buy an energy.  I need to quit playing as early as I can my blogging hours and mood is already affected.
Since Friday I want to write a blog, but I keep neglecting this urge because of this online game, anyway last Friday the gym is like somewhat deserted. Nobody is working out except to me and my hubby and two ladies. Where are the body builders? What’s going on? All the small screen in the thread mill is on, on the screen is the live telecast of FIFA games. Your guess is right as mine, locals are on their home in front of their TV, watching the soccer game Korea versus Argentina. The street also is empty that night, all you can see are few youngsters wearing red shirt. Others has a devil like horn which is lighting in red. You are also going to notice a lot of delivery guys speeding around, either pizza or some kind of snacks which is good when you are watching in front of your TV. You can also find some coffee shop which is full with yelling locals which is not during normal days.
I have managed to watch a little piece of the game where Korea scored one, it is too sad  that in the end Korea loss with a score 4-1 in favor of Argentina.

I will just post some photos from the gym tomorrow I  am feeling lazy to connect my camera on my computer. What the heck of me.

Looking at the sky on Friday

Just a sharing a nice photo from  Gyeongbukgong this Friday. A nice Pagoda at the top of the building.
This is my 5th entry for Skywatch Friday


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College Life a Nostalgia

Days seems so fast it is Thursday again and it is Nostalgia day. Time to flip the old photo album in the corner, here’s what I found in my Friendster account.  Maybe you are thinking I brought my photo album with me that’s why I can post some of my old photos. Nope they’re scanned, I scanned them free at work while my boss is not around. Hehe, anyway even I am caught they will not mind it because they’re the boss of all time, our Ninong and Ninang during our wedding.
Anyway these photos we’re taken on my first year college, I can’t show you photos during my high school because I don’t have one even if I have I did not scan them they’re ugly looking out of smile.
That’s me in all black, BON JOVI rocks! My shirt has a Bon Jovi print, my  mother owned it and given to me and I gave it to my sister after wards.

During our P.E. time in the quadrangle, I brought my newly bought camera that time a Canon film camera, the money came from my allowance from the scholarship. I am holding my gay classmate my friend then became my enemy, over I mean we had a small fight before the semester ends. We’re not so close just a normal classmates but we clicked because I am boyish and he is girlish, I think we our talking something that we don’t agree on each other and  I was just pissed of, because he talks a lot. You know how gay talks.

The guy running at the back was my High school crush, a table tennis player.


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