Archive for July, 2010
Shoot Me: My latest picture

So in short my bath rituals was disturbed, I was like in hurry. Immediately wear my clothes and comb my hair, forget the lotion and deodorant because the photographer is already getting tired of waiting.
After sending the photo, I am kinda disturbed can’t stop thinking of my visa for North Korea. Our flight is on Saturday for China and there’s a lot of “what if” on my mind.
Impulsive buyer – Yes, I am so vain!
Are you an impulsive buyer? Yes I am, I buy stuffs out of my list once it caught my attention like what happened today, I went to the supermarket to buy kimchi instead of going to aisle where kimchi is, I loiter around the aisle of beauty stuffs and toiletries. So what happened? When I went to the kimchi aisle I have a Nivea lotion on my hand and then when I went to the cashier to pay I already have Dove soap and body wash on my hands.
I can’t say no to this stuffs, yes I am so vain!