Archive for July, 2010

Shoot Me: My latest picture

Wanted. That’s me, my latest photo taken today by my husband. I’m taking a bath after going to the gym when my husband tell me to make it faster because our agent in China needs a clear picture of me in a white background for my visa.
So in short my bath rituals was disturbed, I was like in hurry. Immediately wear my clothes and comb my hair, forget the lotion and deodorant  because the photographer is already getting tired of waiting.

After sending the photo, I am kinda disturbed can’t stop thinking of my visa for North Korea. Our flight is on Saturday for China and there’s a lot of “what if” on my mind.

Forever In Blue Jeans

Yay my free mousepad just arrived!

Guess what? My free mousepad from  Artscow arrived today, yes it is free as a matter of fact 100% free including international shipping. No specific  plans for the mousepad because we are not using mouse here, maybe just a souvenir. 
If you did not get yours, grab it now by visiting  here

Impulsive buyer – Yes, I am so vain!

Are you an impulsive buyer? Yes I am, I buy stuffs out of my list once it caught my attention like what happened today, I went to the supermarket to buy kimchi instead of going to aisle where kimchi is,  I loiter around the aisle of beauty stuffs and toiletries. So what happened? When I went to the kimchi aisle I have a Nivea lotion on my hand and then when I went to the cashier to pay I already have Dove soap and body wash on my hands.

I can’t say no to this stuffs, yes I am so vain!

Forever  In Blue Jeans

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