Archive for July, 2010

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Over excited…?

This photo was taken last year, hubby has a lot of plans that Saturday four our first wedding anniversary. There’s a thing on my mind but I ignore it because I thought he is too excited for our anniversary. After visiting Jogye Temple we went to Myeongdong Cathedaral then have late lunch in Everest, a Nepalese restaurant. Then he walked me to the Dongdaemon Gate then we went home, then buy a cake to complete our first anniversary celebration.

It is not a blast but memorable visiting a temple and church on the same day. plus on  five more days we’re going to China as the part 2 our anniversary special. On Sunday he asked me what date is it, I told him it is 26th and greet him a never ending Happy Anniversary since the weekend starts.  He was shocked, you know why? He thought it was already 27th and last Saturday is 26th…lol, I knew it from the start.

This is my 7th entry for


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The day I will never forgot

I am browsing some photos when I stumble on this pictures, I still remember the day that we almost lost our house if not from a curious cousin who peek inside.
It’s been raining for days, but that day the weather is nice so my mother and I washed our clothes while my younger sister is cooking a pot of rice, she put the wet firewood in top of remaining  coal of wood as what my grandma’s habit when she is still leaving with us before she decided to go  home to Tarlac. After a while my sister decided to fry some eggs and I think left over fish too, it was also the time when we are just about washing the clothes, so when our mother went inside and saw the group of firewood she told her us not to do it anymore because it might cause a fire. Don’t know what else my sister’s did because I washed the clean clothes in the faucet.

I  have finished washing our clothes when they decided to go outside the street and check our leaking water pipes that cause  holes in the ground, I followed them because I know my mother will nagged at me if I just sit inside our house without helping them. So we have fun outside with my cousin’s bf and one uncle who’s helping us to make way for the water and cover the holes. We are almost finished when one of my younger male cousin is running fast toward us while shouting, “Your kitchen is burning!” I hurriedly rushed inside our house, the fire is really big I did not waste my time and get a pail of water to our adjacent comfort room. So when my mother and sister came in the fire is under control, but we still pour a lot of water who knows there’s a small fire and it will ignite again, one older male cousin goes into the top of our roof and pour water and check it too.

My sister is so kind to put the wet firewood again in top of the coal , a styrofoam (ice box) makes the fire bigger when the fire reached the adjacent division.

My younger cousin says he saw fire on our roof, due to curiosity he went inside our house and check what we are cooking. Then he find out nobody is inside, so he run to the street where he find us. Lol, if not to his curiosity we already don’t have a house right now, and my father will scold and he will hate us for doing it right on his birthday. Yeah, folks it is my father’s birthday that day, what a gift we had for him.

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