Archive for July, 2010

Farmville Fanatic

Lazy blogger. Who?  No other than me, lol! Jezzz, been addicted again to Farmville today, yesterday and the other day. Zynga just released their new land expansion of 26×26 of course FV fanatic like me will be busy adding five (5) new neighbors as the rule says aside from paying a millions of farmville coins. Howdy! It took time redecorating my packed rat I wish this game is for real…hehe

My specialized rubber coaster

Isn’t it lovely? This is the design of the specialized rubber coaster I have ordered in Artscow, hope it arrived soon in here.

This is just cheap, 4 coaster for $2.99 with free shipping, you can create your set drinks accessories that can be individually designed to your liking. 

Coupon Code: SUMDRINKS
 Expiry Date: 07/27/2010
Offer applicable to all shapes including square, round and heart-shaped.
Sign-up or log-in now at ARTSCOW.
TIP: coupon code only applies to single drink coasters. If you want a pack of 4 identical coasters, please set quantity to 4.

Forever  In Blue Jeans

Colombo National Museum

Shoot me! Hehe, I think the today’s meme fits my photo below. Taken in Colombo National Museum  in Sri Lanka. Hubby is taking photo of the gun when I enter the scene, so he has no choice but to take photo of me with the gun even he don’t like it.

Forever In Blue Jeans

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