Archive for July, 2010

Watery Wednesday: Koi Pond

I’m back into blogging, I was not able to post and hop  yesterday still coping with sleepy nights. Anyway here’s my entry for watery Wednesday a colorful koi pond.

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Just a post to say thank you

I was not able to do blog hopping for few days, hubby is not feeling well so we’re sleeping very early and further more I can’t concentrate doing my online task like blogging, clicking and etc when I have patient to tend., I am so worried about his condition, he ate so little and I kept telling him to eat even the food don’t taste good, drink a lot of water, just rest and don’t go to school and a lot more motherly wifey duties, he kept telling me I am like a mother.  He stopped taking the medicines I bought last weekend because he said it makes his heart beat faster, and he feels very hot with it.
He is not yet fully recovered yesterday but he still went to school so a fever strucked again last night. He still went to school today but thanks God because as of now, he is doing well he already ate his normal food and not just two pieces of toasted bread with peanut butter.
Thank you for the get well soon comments and some healthful tips from my avid readers, Ruth, Ate Pink, Ateh Vernz and Charmie.
I wonder where’s the blog comments I just approved, I can’t see them on my post. Sorry guys if I can’t visit you the links are missing.

Red Maple Tree

When I was still a little kid, my knowledge is limited to what I learned from school , on what I see around me and at our home.  All I know leaves  has only one color and that is green, but when I grow older and can now walk within a miles I discover a lot of things, leaves or plants is not just green in color, there’s read, brown, yellow and a lot more.
Here’s red maple tree as an example, its leaves is red and not green.  This tree is one of the most common and widespread deciduous trees of eastern North America. It ranges from the Lake of the Woods on the border between Ontario and Minnesota, east to Newfoundland, south to near Miami, Florida, and southwest to east Texas. Many of its features, especially its leaves, are quite variable in form. At maturity it often attains a height of around 15 m (50 ft). It is aptly named as its flowers, petioles, twigs and seeds are all red to varying degrees. Among these features, however, it is best known for its brilliant deep scarlet foliage in autumn.
I first saw this leaf, in Canada’s national flag. 

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