Health and Home July 4th, 2010 | 4 Comments »
It’s hard to be sick especially when you are in a strange country that only few knew how to speak a little English.
Hubby is feeling sick since yesterday, I think he got a flu. His body is sore and have a fever I am so worried that I don’t know what to do. He don’t want me to buy a medicine for him because he is not used to take one, he asked me if I want to eat Chinese food, I told him no because I am so worried to left him alone.
To cut the story short, I still went out to buy Chinese food even there’s a heavy rain, but that’s not all I did. I also bought a flu medicine to the nearest drugstore I’ve seen, how did I do it? I translate “flu medicine” to Korean language via google translate then I wrote it in a piece of paper (see photo above). So when I go to the drugstore I just show the paper with the words I have written. Below is the medicine the lady gave me.,

I am not to sure even the lady says
doggam yebang so when I reached the Chinese restaurant, I ordered a take out. My shyness was no where to be found anymore, she told me to sit but I did not, I asked her if it is for flu and show the medicine and the small paper if it is right? The young lady replied yes so I sit down in one of the chair at the nearest table. Maybe in order to be sure the lady came near me and look at the medicine and to my piece of paper. So I asked her again if it is a flue medicine, and she said yes.
I feel relax even I am little cold, even I have an umbrella I still get wet. I just noticed that your shyness disappear when you are very worried about your love one. So when I get home I asked my husband to eat but he don’t feel like eating, I gave him the medicine I bought. He asked me how did I get it and etc., he did not trust the medicine what if it is not the right one and so on.., so I told him not to take it if he don’t trust the medicine, land just wait until Monday and show it to your co-teacher. Well he still took the medicine after eating a toasted bread with peanut butter.
We sleep early, when he wake up this morning he is not too hot anymore but still weak and feeling cold with muscle aches. As of now he is still feeling sick, I am asking him to bring him in to a doctor. He keep mouthing I am like a mother., lol
Symptoms of Flu:
- fever (usually high)
- severe aches and pains in the joints and muscles and around the eyes
- generalized weakness
- ill appearance with warm, flushed skin and red, watery eyes
- headache
- dry cough
- sore throat and watery discharge from your nose

Travel and Places July 2nd, 2010 | 5 Comments »
It is a rainy Friday today here, it is too dark outside. Here’s my entry for today, taken inside the plane during Christmas day, yeah right Christmas time and we are traveling. We spend our last year Christmas vacation in
Sri Lanka, if you want to know what’s to see over there just hop in to my travel blog.

[ Tagged In ] Skywatch Friday
Health and Home July 1st, 2010 | No Comments »
My head is aching again but aside of that I wrote three blogs, I am not planning to blog today but I can’t remove it from my system. The reason of my head ache, skipping meal, my eyes or lack of sleep. Either of the three or all of the above. We wake up early today as early as 9:20 in the morning, we went to the bank so hubby can pay the agent in China that will going to take care our visa in North Korea, after one hour its done but I can’t return to sleep even I want too. I just keep rolling in top of the bed, I ate around one o’clock in the afternoon, noodles for my brunch then piece of apple at 4:30 and a small of pack of ready made spaghetti at five o’clock something then gym at 7:30. I am not eating properly that makes me feel weak and I am over using the computer, 12-14 hours a day is not healthy anymore.