Archive for October, 2010

My 6×6 Photobook from Artscow

After a long wait my 6×6 photo book from Artscow arrived yesterday. Normally when I ordered from them it only took eight(8) days but this one it took almost three(3) weeks before I received it.  This is a very awesome deal, it only cost $0.99 for 20 pages. I love it, if you want to make your own photo book just sign-up with Artscow.



Apples are on sale

As a buyer, I am so frugal. I love SALE; of course you love it too right? Well, stores are not on sale everyday so we need to grab the chance to buy the items while they are on sale.
Last night after gym I went to the supermarket to buy some supplies that we does not have anymore, supposedly I only need to buy 2 packed of apples but like what I said I need to grab the chance when items are on sale. The apples are sale for W2,800 per bag which has 6 apples on it, in normal days it cost W5,900 per bag with same number of apples. So I immediately put three (3) bags on my cart while walking away my mind changed and grab one more to make it four(4). That’s a lot of apples huh? It is part of my husband’s meal which he weigh first before eating and if it is over his desired weight he is going to give me the piece of it which usually I always forget to eat so he is still the one who’s gonna eat it on his next meal. I just don’t feel eating cold apples, so whenever I ate one I need to make it warm first by putting it outside the fridge.

My all time favorite banana milk

I love drinking yogurts, fruit shakes and lassis but I am not fan of drinking fresh milk alone, most of the time the milk in the fridge get spoiled. Sometimes I ate it with cereal but I am getting tired of cereal too. My sweetie pookie bear bought a blender month ago and it just a time that I am addicted to fruit milk shake called Banana milk. I first tasted it when I bought a smaller bottle when we went shopping and then I craved for it that I want to buy every time we went shopping for our weekly food. My sweetie pookie bear don’t like it, because it became my treat. Well it is  really a bit expensive to buy 4 small bottles a day or sometimes I want more.  And so since we bought a small blender I made my own banana milk. If you don’t know what is banana milk it is pretty much exactly what it sounds like a blend of banana and milk to create a banana flavored milk beverage. It is popular here in Korea, you can find it in every food mart or store. To make it you are just going to mix fresh milk and the banana in a blender and presto its ready to drink. You can add vanilla too if you desired.
Banana milk can be beneficial because bananas are high in potassium, fiber, vitamin C manganese, and vitamin B6. Try it on your home for sure your kiddos will love it.
Picture above is my ready to drink banana milk, I just put the banana as a design.
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