Archive for October, 2010

What is your addiction?

We have our own hobbies, collection and addiction. I had a fetish buying hair, face, and bath and body care products. I don’t know when does it started and how, as far as I remember I’ve been like this since I’m in the Philippines when my mother became Avon dealer. I just love to collect and look at them; I don’t use them unless I have too.  That’s why if you’re going to notice I have a lot if things that I just hide, I even buy small stuffs like pens and the last time I checked them some are already unusable that I need to dispose,  I think the ink stocked and dried. I also collect notebooks that I need to hide because my husband will scold me when he see me wasting my money. For him it is really a waste to buy something I am not going to use. So these stuffs are perfectly hidden in the cabinet only small stuffs can be seen.  I used things when they are already torn and ugly like when I brought my notebook in China, I am not planning to use it as possible but our bags get wet from the rain including my notebook, so no choice have to use it. As of now my husband was the one using it, jotting his in-active farm friends or seeds  he had no mastery in farmville. Sometimes taking down some names he need to search for his genealogy.
Well I can’t use these products because I also had jumbo stuffs in our bathroom, I have managed to put one shampoo (not in the picture) in my giveaway. Anyway I am thinking to send this home, for sure my mother will appreciate this so much. But when I packed them in a box, whew it is damn to heavy, I am going to be poor in postal fee. I think I need to stop buying stuffs for a while and concentrate on saving money for postal fee.

Pork barbecue is gold

Last night my husband keep saying he wants to eat fried rice, I did not mind him as if I did not hear anything because I am busy with my blog template, and partly to stop him from craving because of the so called DIET but I guess he is not on diet because he repeated it again. I know what he wants, but playful me ask him if he want me to fried rice for him. He said never mind, but in the end I ended to the Chinese restaurant. I bought fried rice with chicken it is big wok or super size as McDonald says. I don’t want to wait of my take-out so I went outside and went to the Palace Mall where Lotte Super is located. I shopped some body wash, soaps and cream. When I went out from the basement I meet the Asian guys I’ve meet along the way when I am going to the restaurant, I don’t know if they are Thai or Filipinos. I feel a little nervous thinking they are following me, because when I see them they’re going to the direction where I came from (shopping district) So how come they’re here now, I just had a little head bow as a gesture of meeting an Asian people like me I did not  give them a little smile anymore. I smile to one of the guy when we first met along the way because he is smiling to me. I don’t want to be snob because I don’t know if they are Filipino or not.  (Paranoid)
Anyway after picking up my order I directly went to a barbecue place,  it is a little bit farther from where am I but it is nearer to where I came from, it is  along the way if  I am going to the gym. The family who owns it and I can’t understand each other if how much. The woman showed me 1,500 won. Whew,  pork barbecue is gold here for one stick it cost 1,500 won or about 58 pesos in the Philippines. I bought six pork barbecue sticks which about 346 pesos, it is already one kilo of pork or more in my country.


It’s Saturday are you resting?

Its Saturday today, its weekend time to get relaxed and have a rest from five days work. Well nothing change for me, I am working all day on my so called office our home (lol). I wake up early today as early as 12 PM as I opened my eyes I immediately grab my laptop below our bed and turn it on. Forget the toothbrush and the breakfast or lunch according to the time. I log-in to microworkers checking if my works are approved, well only few are approved others are still pending for advertiser approval. Then checked my blog if someone entered my giveaway and son on. Suddenly I feel my head is aching as if my brain getting drain I remember I didn’t drink water since I wake up. So I quit for a little while and refresh my mind and my morning afternoon, I guess its time to eat my breakfast lunch at 2 PM, coffee and honey pumpkin pancake. Halloween is really approaching that even bread is made of pumpkin.

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