Health and Home November 20th, 2010 | 1 Comment »
Last night or maybe already today we slept at around 4:30 in the morning, I’ve ask my husband to wake me up at nine in the morning because I have to finish something but I have changed my mind and ask him to wake me up at twelve in the afternoon. So he did but I was not able to wake up because my eye lids are still too heavy. I went back to sleep and ask him to wake up after one hour, time passed I opened my eyes then he told me if I know its already 2:30 in the afternoon, that’s where the time I am fully awake and grab my computer immediately and this is where I realized my head is aching. Dunno what happen last night while I am sleep why is it aching, all I know I ate chocolate sticks before we sleep I ate all of it. I never learned my lesson, when I ate too much chocolate I always have a headache.
So I am not feeling well the half day (because I wake up afternoon already) until now, my head still bothering me. We went out a while ago and buy some soy milk and other food for Pookie bear’s cheat day. So this is what we got..
Black olives and sausages to make a sandwich. He don’t allow me to take pictures but I insisted (lol), he even ask me to slow down because I started eating his black olives, I guess one of the reason why my head aches because I starved myself. When I ate sandwich tonight it was the time I realized I am hungry, darn I am using the computer too much and it is not anymore healthy because I forgot to eat and sometimes to withdraw my food as in p**p. Excuse me..

Home and Cooking November 18th, 2010 | 3 Comments »
As I am blog hopping tonight I stumble at Surviving Korea’s post about having no kimchi on their house. Speaking of kimchi I almost forgot the 2.334 kg of kimchi setting in our kitchen, I removed it from the fridge because I am planning to cut it when it is already warmed but it slipped out of my mind. Just a good thing I have remember it when I do blog hopping because if not I am going to be on rushed tomorrow preparing Pookie bear’s meal.
This is what I hate in buying a whole kimchi, I have to cut it. I look like someone working in a slaughter house the only difference I am not chopping meat but kimchi. I already learned my lesson when cutting it without letting it warm because it is too damn cold into my tiny hands that I keep washing my hand with hot water
If you are interested to know what happened with my Crab Kimchi Pookie bear decided to throw it because I can’t eat anymore after I can’t stop myself scratching. Darn it is easy for him to throw something because its not his money (huhuhu).
[ Tagged In ] Kimchi. Korean Kimchi
Home and Living November 18th, 2010 | Enter your password to view comments.