Archive for December, 2010
The Yellow flower in North Korea
Anyway this is my share of yellow for today, I don’t know what kind of flower is this maybe a relative of sun flower, there’s a lot of this in the plant box is Yanggakdo Hotel, North Korea. Pookie bear and I wander outside before retiring to bed for our first tour around Pyongyang. It is okay to wander outside the hotel as long you are not going to cross the boarder where the guards are, because if you do for sure you are going to sleep in jail.
Taken at the lobby of Yanggakdo Hotel
Weekend Spaghetti
I wake up at seven minutes before three o’clock today in my dismay because I have asked Pookie Bear to wake me up before three o’clock but he never did. I just get awakened when he blew his nose.
Well guess what happened even I tried to post in adgitize forum, it won’t work anymore how can I write 200 words in seven minutes.
Oh well don’t sleep four o’clock in the morning and asked your husband to wake you up before three o’clock because he will wake you up few minutes before it.
Anyway last night I had cooked 500g of spaghetti and just on my three(3) meals the pot is empty. Happy pot isn’t it?
There’s money in the toilet …
I had wake up mid afternoon today, Pookie bear asked me if I am dreaming because I am making a sound as if crying, I try to recall about it. All I know I am dreaming and it looks real and I already forgot what is all about. Does it happened to you too? You forgot your dream after you wake up.
It is not a so busy weekend, I had an extra allowance today. Yahooo! How did I get it? Well Pookie bear plugged the toilet (lol) using too much tissue, so he tried unplugging it but he did not succeed. So I enter the bathroom even he told me not to go inside, the wise me says I need to pee which is true. Anyway he decided to change his clothes he is going to out to buy acid for unplugging the toilet and the dork me keep trying my luck to do it, he asked me if I am going to go with him I said no and keep pushing the plunger. So he said if I can unplugged the toilet he is going to give me an extra allowance, so I said deal.
So while he is out I am trying my best to unplugged it, it is not dirty anyway it is just water maybe the tissues and poppy are stocked in the pipe, after a lot of trying I did it. So when Pookie bear arrived he has two gallons of acid I told him to prepare his money, he wouldn’t believed me at first that I did it but when look at it. Done, he wouldn’t give the extra allowance at first he said he is just kidding but anyway he gave it afterward but its not complete.
As I open my mail I have found out that Godaddy is in Holiday Sale for new domain it only cost $0.99 for one year. So I asked him if I can used his card, he said yes in one condition he don’t owe me more money from the extra allowance and I said Yes. Anyway if you want to purchase your own domain just visit Godaddy and use HOLIDAY99 in check-out.
I have a new domain now for HERZ CORNER.