Archive for December, 2010

Visiting Seoul Tomorrow

Tomorrow will be my first travel to Seoul alone, a test on changing myself to be independent. I almost had a tantrums the other night when my husband told me I need to apply a visa alone to go to Bangladesh but I remember I need to behave and grown up  he can’t go with me tomorrow he has a class to teach.

The Bangladesh embassy  changed the rules in  span of time because the last time we visited the site Filipino doesn’t need a visa to go Bangladesh. So mean, so I’ve contacted Emelyn she’s been asking me for a meet up since the last time we met almost nine months ago, lol. So I think this is the chance to see each other again after a long time of excuses and etc., luckily she just left her job so she is free to walk with me. So tomorrow we will going to find the Bangladesh Embassy in Itaewon then after it visit a museum and visit their nest.

Anyway I am proud of myself because I can now pay the bills alone at the bank without arguing with my husband. Hehehe

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Finally My 100th Coffee Stick

What’s new? Well I wake up early today at one o’clock in the afternoon, early than usual time two o’clock in the afternoon.  After turning on my computer I went to refresh my breath morning then back to normal routine surfing the net and visiting the daily sites, I am type of person who doesn’t eat immediately after waking up so it’s normal. After a hour I decided to make a cup of coffee for me I am the only one who drink coffee here and finally the 100th stick last today it’s my last stick  so when I told my husband we need to buy coffee he told me to savor it as it is my last stick. It took me almost seven months to finish it, we bought it last May. I went to the fridge to get the fresh milk while waiting for the electric kettle to finish its load, I immediate pour the “milk” into my cup and then realization came, what the heck since when cold water became milk? Darn instead of getting the milk what I got is our water pitcher, just too lucky that I am thinking of milk when I poured it so I only drop a small amount because if I am thinking of hot water instead of enjoying the last stick of my coffee I will be pissed off for sure. Anyway I think it is explainable because I am used of getting the water pitcher in the fridge rather than the milk. Have you experienced that situation, where instead of getting something you need you pick up the wrong one?

I’m glad to hear that the winners of my previous giveaway already got their gift prize, it’s a success even there’s only 28 bloggers who joined.  I have thought my prize is not worth it that’s why only few people joined the said giveaway but upon reading the blog post of the winners a realization came to my mind it is worth it, their thank you makes me happy and at least I know this Christmas I made a difference compare to last Christmas. Congratulations again, thank you and  your welcome!

I am planning to host another giveaway next year so just watch out for my upcoming post, don’t know when anyway,  maybe on Valentines Day or Graduation Day. Haha, what a dork announcing it on advance!

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Boxes of Chocolates and Bottles of Vitamins from Canada

At last the box was finally opened this afternoon, when Pookie bear arrived he is grinning to me while looking at his box, his so called “Christmas gift”. He ate his meal first before trying to envy me and testing my excitement, well I know how to play his game. I act like I am not interested to know what’s inside and I focus on my online task, so he surrendered teasing me and he finally open the box smelling it first and telling me it smells good something smells good inside. He took first the vitamins, flax seed oil, deodorant and his trash errr I mean his over 100 pages of documents for his genealogy program which he bought online and delivered in Canada. Yes, he is buying some records online and  paying for someone to take picture of his ancestors tomb stones. That’s how dedicated my husband with his genealogy, I think he can kill me if I ever ruin his program. Lol! One time I have asked him how much he already spend with his trash, pardon me but that’s the word I used trash. As it was expected he didn’t answer to me in short he was angry with me. So lesson learned I have to be very careful with my words and terms so I will not hurt his feelings.

Anyway when everything is out he finally took one box of chocolates, then one more and more until the chocolates became four boxes. He handed it to me and I just stare with it, thinking if I am going to eat or just saved it until it melts. I say thank you after wards, at first I thought it is my mother in-law who bought it and send it to me, not until my husband told me I did not say thank you  to him for buying chocolates for me. I think he did not heard it because it is not too loud anyway I am reserving my thank you to my in-laws (lol).

So I jokingly told him, “Oh its you, I thought it’s Mom” and laugh.  Anyway I said thank you for the second time enough for him to hear it. I am still undecided if I am going to eat the chocolates or not, call me dork but that’s how things work for me. I am just contented looking at my stuff and when I feel bored I ate or used them. Maybe that’s how it works when you are raised in a family that eating meat is already a luxury, haha. When I told my husband that I can’t eat the chocolates he told me “Eat them or I will eat them”  of course I’m scared I know how he ate, darn my chocolates will only last one day to him. So I open one box and start eating them, I also bring few to the gym while doing some work-out I am munching chocolates. Silly my work-out is no use at all, so as of now  one box is almost down. They tasted like curly tops but a way better than it I supposed maybe if I am living in Canada I will buy these chocolates everyday because they are cheap for $1. Hehehe

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