Pork Adobo with Potato Overload
Feel so busy today, I cooked my pork adobo. You might be startled why I feel so busy when I am just going to cook meals, Pookie bear eat different meal as he is always on diet during weekdays, so I have two cook three times for him and same with me. It would be so easy if I can just cooked once or twice but its not especially Pookie bear’s last meal at night is kind of tiring to cook, Kimchi Fried rice or Kimchi Eggs. More tiring last few months because I have to cook the two meal at night.
So tonight I have cooked my pork adobo I put a lot of potatoes because I like potatoes so much, I only used small drop of sauce on my rice if you are startled why it doesn’t looks like adobo. Hopefully this viand will last until tomorrow evening so I am not going to fried eggs or anything for me. Haha,
My Old Stressful Job Back Home
Have you ever feel humiliated? A feeling that you want to cry and run, hide then kept your self locked from the outside world. Maybe some of us feel this feeling in unexpected time or not, what if you’re not a fighter? Someone who’s just masquerading on her smile, someone who says she is alright even she is not fine, someone who says she is okay even it is not right. What would you do if this feeling struck to you, exactly on your face? Are you going to cry? Lost your patience and run, well it is hard to decide unless you are on that situation, but if you were there you will be hurt as well.
As it says all of us were on the same level there’s no rich and there’s no poor. There’s no ugly person and there’s no beautiful, there’s no small and there’s no tall and that is from the eye’s of God, what about in the eye’s of man? You have to remember we are all living in a place called earth, full of lies and masquerade. World is unfair, there is a lot of educated people who are mal-educated, those are those people who says they are holding a degree, are they? No they are not, they are like a veracious animal, a very awful creature. Someone you should hate and wish to die.
Why do other people cannot understand or they really cannot understand? They are so hard to please, they just say what do they want to say, they don’t intend to hear your explanations and in the end they will leave you a threat and of course as an employee you are shocked, what will come to your mind? Of course you care, you care about the company and you will feel a slight blade of fear. Even you feel your tears will run down your eyes you will still look calm but behind that you are losing your strength. You really want to cry, but you are an actress, you will smile even it is hard to fake a smile. It is such a pain to be blame, to accept all the words you cannot chewed, you are just a paid worker not the owner. So why the shit is all thrown to you? Why you need to feel all the pain when you don’t need too? See, how unfair the world? You are going to hate this kind of mal-educated people. They are so powerful to talk nonsense and blame small people, well maybe you are going to pity the small people but you don’t know your pity belong to this mal-educated people, they need it more than small people need it.
[Photo courtesy of Negativespace/pixabay.com]
Hi guys, just sharing an old short writing of mine, I wrote it to release stress and sadness. You might asked what happened and I have wrote a shitty article. This is the story…
I am working as a secretary all-around in an internet provider with few computers for rent, there are times we don’t have an internet access due to typhoon. So when it first happened my boss gave a discount for the days there’s no internet so when I made the bills it is discounted. The next time it happen again, an incident we cannot forbid. My boss told me not to give discount anymore because the smart company don’t give us also a discount like what happened the first time, in short we still pay full according to the contract. So I made the bills with no discount, some customers understand and there are few who don’t especially this not so old woman. She keep whining to me, call us cheaters and etc., this is how she said it “She know’s how to write, she is good and writing and she will write it in local newspaper that we are cheating the customer” I explained her everything, I can’t give her a discount because I am not the owner and I am just following what is instructed to me. I even told her she can talk to my boss and asked a discount to him, I can dial his number for her. So she talked to my boss and the way I heard it she’s telling my boss that I don’t want to give her a discount and etc., you know the way that as if it is my fault that I don’t wanna give her a discount like maybe blaming me. My boss talk to me and says just give her a discount so she will stop, when she left I feel doomed. I got a phobia entertaining customers if before I am all smile and so darn entertaining, it changes me it makes me civil and dull. I am just so lucky that my boss and his family are kind but to unlucky with the other customers. Even my lady boss tell me to call her Ate when I first applied at my work I still call her Mam, and Sir instead of Kuya I guess. That’s how am I used too, I would not accept a MOST POLITE ribbon on my preparatory level if I am not too. Haha
I cried a lot at home and I don’t even want to go back at work that’s why sometimes my sister works for me if she has no class. My father just laugh on me, he said it is part of life and I need to be tough if I want to survive. On the next month the not so old woman and I met again, I am a little tense of her but I was surprised she sounds so sweet and so dear to me. Hmmp, maybe she learned her mistake.,or she is going to ask for another discount? Lol! Anyway her bill cost $11.52 per month, our biggest subscriber are internet cafe owners.
Miniature Filing Cabinet for Organizing Pens
Nothing new today aside from I got a nice deal of apples at Kim’s Club Mart, so instead of buying two packages I bought four. I also cooked some spaghetti today as my meal I didn’t know that the spaghetti sauce I picked in the counter has red peppers on it so its a bit chilly. I am craving for coffee right now but I can’t have one, my 100th sticks just bid goodbye, I have to wait until next weekend so I can have one. Pookie bear don’t want to use his credit card as much as we can, he said I need to wait until his payday. He send his savings home, maybe for the future generation. I have one choco sticks left and I am saving it tomorrow but I don’t know if I can resist the temptation tonight.
As I am also working in my own office and time, I have my miniature filing cabinet. Where I put my mark pen, scissors and anything which is small and easy to misplace.