JC Burgers at Traveler’s Bar and Grill (Bundang)
Sorry guys for not responding or visiting your comments these past two days, I am quite busy and feeling sick. I have to do it tomorrow. We have sleep early last Friday so I only have short time to update online, anyway “we sleep early” as we have planned to visit Seoul the next day.
So went to Seoul yesterday (Saturday) darn there’s a lot of locals going to Seoul so it took us one hour before we can take a bus amidst the long line, we first went to Hongdae to the travel agency so they can apply for Mongolian visa for Pookie bear which I don’t need, I am free to enter Mongolia without visa but Canadian is not free and then took the subway to Itaewon to shop, but the fickle minded me didn’t find anything I like as they are so expensive for my standard so we just ended buying a new pair of shoes for Pookie bear, then after it we took the subway again to Bundang line (Seohyeon) so we can eat our late lunch, very far huh? Well it’s Pookie bear’s birthday and he chooses Traveler’s Bar and Grill in Bundang as treat for his self us and as he is drooling to triple JC burger, a six patties of meat. We are almost lost because according to the information he got online the location can be found in exit 6 but subway has no exit 6, just up to 5, then we find out exit 6 of the mall, and you can be there by exiting at exit 3 and 4 of the subway.
Double JC Burger
So after being lost we finally found it, actually he found it as I didn’t see it well their name is too small and I missed it by just looking at the big streamers in the building, it is located in the third floor so we took the elevator., to cut the story short we ordered the double JC burger for me and triple for him, he beat that if I can eat all of it he will buy me a new laptop, so I said prepared my new laptop already. Well so sad I lost I just ate single JC burger and stop, I am too darn full to eat more. I feel sick looking in the burger patties, I can’t chew it anymore once I did it feels like I am going to throw it up. It is so cheesy and so fatty. He said that I have to remember that eyes is bigger than the stomach, anyway he continue eating his triple JC burger until the last part of it and he almost puke, so full. We drink 5 glasses of coke, and one glass of water, I had my left over put to box, the funny thing is before Pookie bear can finished his burger the waitress who is serving us already finished her duty, so we are not able to give her a tip. Yeah, he took two hours and twenty minutes to finish 3 lbs. of beef, 24 strips of bacon, fries and 6 slices of cheese.
Triple JC Burger (collapsed)
After it we return to the subway but before taking a train we bought a box of Krispy Creme, when we reached Express Bus Terminal it is already 8:30 in the evening and all the bus tickets are sold out, so we run like hell back to the subway to go to another bus station which is in Gangbyeon, we are almost lost where to transfer even we are holding an old torn map of Seoul subway from the fliers of Indian restaurant in Itaewon maybe because we are in panic, it already happened to us that we didn’t get any bus to both stations. While in the train I have told Pookie bear it looks like buying Krispy Creme is not good idea because the first time we buy Krispy Creme we also don’t get a bus, so it is just a repeat of the first incident. Anyway when we reached Gangbyeon we really walked so fast together with other people and the funny thing is when we purchased the bus ticket there’s only one word came to the lips of all the other locals in the ticket windiw “Icheon”, nyay that means those people didn’t get a bus ticket too in Express Bus.
Inside the bus the sick feeling I feel get worst maybe because I have rested my body from the worry of not getting a bus to go home, as we reached home (10:30 in the evening) after shower my minor headache became worst and my lower left abdomen is aching thinking I just drink a lot of coke, I drink plenty of water but still my headache is killing me, the last time I got this severe headache, when we are in Incheon Airport departing to China where I ate burgers too, from Mcdonalds. I rested for a while as I can’t look in the front of my computer but it doesn’t help, headache plus the feeling of vomiting is killing me. So I have no choice but to withdraw all the food I ate, excused me to say this but I vomited all the food I ate, when I went out the bathroom, Pookie bear says I just wasted his money (lol) then he laugh afterwards asking me if I am feel better. Well yes, I feel better after I throw up all the food I ate, my headache is gone but I feel very hungry as this moment as my stomach is empty.
I don’t know but it looks like burger makes me sick, I have food intolerance with burger. So burger is now out of my list for a long time, actually I am not eating burger since the last incident in Incheon Airport but my eyes is soooo hungry. I will reply and visit you tomorrow, its already 4:14 in the morning here (Sunday), I need some sleep.
My Life, My Friends and My Sadness
Life is all about what…? It is all about surviving no more no less. If you want to survive, struggle. Haist by the way I am not going to write anything fancy or serious, just want to say I feel depressed last night, I feel lonely and selfless. I am longing for friend, for laughter and fun.
By the way as it is Thursday today I am going to open the old pages of my life, as what you have read on my previous blogs I am victim of bullying on my younger years, so trusting someone those times is not that easy. My mother keeps reminding me if I can stand alone in my own be it, I don’t need friend to teach me to escape classes or always going somewhere for happenings. So I befriended with people who can’t afford to waste their precious time by strolling in town during weekends as they can’t also afford to waste money if it is not needed. So instead of being friend to my old classmate on my grade school I ended up being friend to silent people which is far different of talkative me.
I got three friends, for me they are my closest friends until one time I just awaken they are taking away from me by our classmate who had a serious fight with one member of her group, as she is also the so called classmate of my other friend during their elementary days. I just wake up one day they are out of my sight, I just find it out they are so busy following the commands of their master, plus one of our friend also find a group in the lower section that she will enjoy most during lunch break playing with guys I guess, so I have no choice but to be find another company I became friend of everybody no more group of friends, just friends.
[Photo courtesy of Unsplash/pixabay.com]
I don’t know else what happened but we had a so called reunion before our high school graduation, we eventually realized that we are the original group of friends before other friends came along, so just the four of us went to L’s place as they have not so large field of turnips and they are near the river, so we planned for a swimming. I didn’t ask any permission as it is not going to happened in weekend plus I know my mother will not allow me, it was the time where all you need is to have clearance signed. So we went there, we are happily accepted by her family after sometimes we decided to take a dip to the nearby river, I don’t know how it happened but all I know I am we are under water struggling to live, struggling to see a light and land in the river banks. You are right I don’t know how to swim, I just realized someone is pushing me up, so I stop struggling I just go with the flow thinking if I am going to die. After short minutes we see each other in the shallow part of the river throwing up all the water we drink, we almost die the four of us, we have one question on our mind how does it happened? We really can’t remember a single thing, then a fear strikes especially L says the river really took life every year or once a year plus same incident happened to the last batch who graduate that one of them died by drowning.
We are just so thankful that his younger brother was around and a boyish girl which is a local of their place, and we are just so thankful that those two knows how to swim because if not, in few hours the four of us might be dead. So we trackback how the incident happened with the pieces of recollection from each other, we found out S is measuring the deep of the water and we decided to help her by holding to each other and then splashed we are taken by her when she accidentally step in a deep part, after that we still manage to laugh as S and L says they are fighting with each other under water, they are punching each other struggling to live as the first one don’t know how to swim like me. And about me and M, she says she can’t swim because I am holding tight to her.
[Photo courtesy of Alexas_Fotos/pixabay.com]
Our friendship became stronger with that incident until we graduate and choose the path we are going to take into our future, M and I stick together we took same course, so we’re classmate and friends with our other classmates. While L, we didn’t hear anything from her aside from what her mother told us she went to Manila to her aunt as she is angry tampo that her parents can’t send her to college, while S (the tomboyish of all) went to different school and took Marine biology then all of a sudden at 18 we heard she got pregnant and got married.,
Just few months ago I have reconnected with L, I accidentally I mean eventually find her in Facebook, she just open a new account, I send her a message about how long I have been searching for her and how is she, and so the excited me recommend her account to all of our classmates so they can add her too. I never received any response from her she just accepted my friend request and nothing less, but I have found out she has the guts to ask our “richie rich” classmates how are they and she missed them.
The fire of excitement dies, she never changed. She is still the same friend I know, who don’t remember me when she is around with people who can help her financially with exchange of being the “alalay” like tagatanim ng pechay, tagadala ng kawayan, tagadilig ng plot, tagabitbit ng… and etc at lahat ng may taga..,”
[Photo courtesy of Alexas_Fotos/pixabay.com]
About M, after graduation we don’t have a strong communication anymore we just see each other when she went home and she is getting married, she invited me to her wedding but it will take place to other town which is miles away so I can’t ago and then I found out she had a christening with her baby and she never invited when it just happened 1 or kilometers away from our home. After that I have no more news about her she never bother to text me or whatsoever we eventually ended up a communication in Facebook when I am already here as she opened up an account which kinda hurt me as well, she first added my sister than me. So when exchange message I told her what I feel she replied she added my sister so I can add her as she don’t know what’s my account, well it is good excuse. Then when I told her about my tampo that she didn’t invite me to the christening of her baby but she invited one of our friend (which didn’t go anyway) which is far kilometer away from us, as our barangay is just neighbors (M and I), well she didn’t reply anymore I don’t know if she gets online or what. I didn’t bother to check anymore as I am always hurt, I am a friend who is always out of sight and out of place.
[Photo courtesy of Simon/pixabay.com]
I also eventually established a communication with one of our college friend too but due too she is not always online just a simple hi and hello and no more, but she is a friend that who don’t let me down, I am Godmother of her firstborn. I don’t know but I am looking for a friend that is so dear close to me like best friends maybe, a friend that will not left me and will always remember me, I am not attention seeker but attention sucker (lol). Haist, I guess this is influenced by reading too much pocketbook during my high school days,. but I guess I can’t have the things I am looking for if I am always a reserved with myself. I am kinda moody eh, there are times I am too talkative and there are times all I want is to be alone, no contact in the outside world, but I want my friends to be there even I am out of sight.
Well it feels like the same way when I am still a kid, I have a lot of friends when I have food, candies and etc., but after they are all eaten I am left alone again. All I want is a friend who will treat me as a friend not because of the things I can offer, a friend that will remember me not because of the help I have done but a friend that will treat me as friend even I am cracked egg. Haha, demanding!
[Photo courtesy of Blanka/pixabay.com]
So last night I am kinda depressed because I feel alone waaah, my blogs didn’t received comments from friends but they are all from spammers. Huhuhu, no one remember me but when I wake up today I found few, so I smile. I am over, OVER REACTING! Lol!
Just wanna say thank you for the friends I gained online, I am not the best and I can’t even do better than others all I can say I am here when you needed most, not just money, ok?
Well I think I have to stop being demanding of an attention to avoid depression. If a friend remember me thanks, if she didn’t thanks also. So everybody is happy,well join us and remember the days when you are still sexy and frail..just click the nostalgic badge below.
Dream of Being a Tribal Woman, Apartment Problem
I wake up by my sudden movement in short my dream wake me up today. As if it is real that there’s snake crawling under the bed cover if I dreamed about aliens the other day, today I dreamed I am a tribe member, wearing clothes like the old way with charcoal in the face and with a long hair. Haist, I have small vivid dreams before dreaming being a tribe member.
[Photo courtesy of AdinaVoicu/pixabay.com]
By the way I have blog the other day how it smells here in our apartment after using the sample of air freshener from Febreze I don’t know but it seems so rude that when our apartment smells good,the drain smelled especially when the occupants in the upper floor flushed or washed something down, every time the water goes down as we are in the first floor it stinks like drainage canal, so we have no choice but to close the bathroom door, I don’t know if taking the black thing in the sink pipe resulted this stench. We took it the other day so the hair and moss in the pipe will not be stuck but it looks like it is not a good idea, so we might return it again and be like a plumber again without tools. Anywya, I have changed my blog theme last night I just feel bored with my old theme which is just a week old maybe, lol.