Cleaning the Apartment and Buddha’s Birthday
All I can say is I am tired and not just feeling tired, I wake up very early and started tweaking, I have already tweaked my two other blogs but I am not still happy with my travel blog so I might change it again in the near future. Well I am now a certified self hosted wordpress blogger! Such a relief thinking my blog is safe from Blogger deletion (lol).
Last night Ate Belle installed everything for me which is I am very thankful of. (Thank you again Ate) Pookie bear keep asking me to do things as he knew I am busy so he keep disturbing me, he even feel a little mad to me because I don’t clean properly as I am always on hurry to be in front of my computer so today I cleaned around, clean the molds in the wallpaper, mop the floor with soap and bleach and clean the kitchen, cooked and be sure the sink is clean with no empty pan waiting to be clean when I am going to cook again. Haha, so right now I am dozed off, I already feel sleepy and really feel tired, sorry guys for not dropping to your blogs lately, I am busy and going to be busy again, I am not anymore studying but I need to make a narrative report for my sister, waaahhh. I didn’t not watch the movie so how can I make a narrative of it, they are the one who watched it at school, well it’s one of the rule of being an old sister, isn’t it?
I am excitedly waiting for the box of vitamins from Mom because Pookie bear says Mom put some Easter chocolates on it. So I am patiently waiting for Friday, yesterday is a holiday it’s Buddha’s Birthday!
Buddha’s Birthday, the birthday of the Prince Siddhartha Gautama, is a holiday traditionally celebrated in Mahayana Buddhism. In Korea the birthday of Buddha is celebrated according to the Lunisolar calendar. This day is called 석가탄신일 (Seokga tansinil), meaning “the day of Buddha’s birthday” or 부처님 오신 날 (Bucheonim osin nal) meaning “Welcome Buddha Day”. Lotus lanterns cover the entire temple throughout the month which are often flooded down the street. On the day of Buddha’s birth, many temples provide free meals and tea to all visitors. The breakfast and lunch provided are often sanchae bibimbap.
Korean Police Yellow Barrier
I still can’t manage my time in blogging and for everything, I always end up cramming. I think I need to set aside few things then know and choose what is my priority, blogging, tweaking or blog hopping? Hard to choose isn’t it? Because they are all part of blogosphere.
Anyway I am sharing this yellow police barrier, I have taken this when went to Seoul a year ago I guess or months ago.
Children’s Day in Korea
Feeling tired right now, early this morning I was awaken by the air serene and loud Korean voice announcing something, too bad I cannot understand it that I went back to sleep. It is not war yet, what came to my sleepy mind it might be a drill and sort of announcement.
As it is holiday tomorrow “Children’s Day” and the gym will be close we attend a gym tonight, for three consecutive days, after gym. Do the first batch of laundry and cook fried rice two times, download some photos in my sister’s Friendster account and now blogging while eating jelly ace. They’re almost one month in the fridge and I just have time to eat them. Well what else? Well yeah my weight, I lose one kilo Pookie bear keep teasing me I lose muscle and not fat.
[Image not Mine]
According to Wikipidea in South Korea, May 5 is officially recognized as Children’s Day (어린이날). Parents often give presents to their children, as well as spend time with them. The children are taken on excursions to zoos and museums. The holiday was originally celebrated on May 1, but was later moved to May 5.