Simply Sisig
If there’s something I am craving for tonight that is my version of sisig but as I am kinda lazy to cook, I just had a noodles for my dinner that makes me crave for something sweet.
I love this viand as since I am little I am already familiar with this, this is always part of the pulutan of my grandfather way back then. My version is very simple I just fried the pork on their own oil and cut a of onions and garlic. Then add seasoning like salt and black pepper and it is good to go. How I wish there’s real calamansi here so I am not going to use lazy lime.
Sick Feeling, Feeling Sick
It’s been a long time since my last post here huh? I was feeling sick these past few days then my monthly visitor came that makes me roll in pain, then the next day I just wake up with headache. It feels like my head is spinning dunno where did I get it all I know I just ate rice that night before I sleep, Pookie bear says maybe I am dehydrated so I drink a lot of water but the headache won’t go away, then I recall the pain I felt when I encountered food intolerance it is the same feeling. I immediately took some spoon of sugar and rested for a while I feel like vomiting but my stomach is empty though.
So the whole week I just lay down on bed, watch some TV shows online and sleep, as I would like to post something on my blog or design some wordpress theme I can’t do it since I feel sick, I remember my Facebook update that I feel like my head is gonna explode that’s what I felt these past few days, it feels like my head is gonna blew up if I force it to think. Teary eyes added to the injury it looks my eyes don’t like the bright of my computer dunno if I am gonna retired from blogging or I need an eyeglass. Huhuhu
So sorry guys for being away. I am thinking of returning to my tweaks as soon as possible. See yeah!
I love Ice Cream!
Confession before I felt sick and everything I eat a lot of junkies yes you heard it right I feasted on ice cream and Pringles for few days, I can’t just stop myself as I am craving for them. I’ve finished three or four Weezle ice cream as I love the coffee/chocolate combination with sprinkled nuts, I came to the point I got sweet rashes in my tongue. Don’t ask my weight now because one thing is for sure I gain weight…
Ice cream is everyone’s best friend either adult or children isn’t it? Well always remember don’t just eat, so if you don’t know yet Ice cream is a frozen dessert, usually made from dairy products, such as milk and cream, and often combined with fruits or other ingredients and flavours. Most varieties contain sugar, although some are made with other sweeteners. In some cases, artificial flavourings and colourings are used in addition to, or instead of, the natural ingredients. The mixture of chosen ingredients is stirred slowly while cooling, in order to incorporate air and to prevent large ice crystals from forming. The result is a smoothly textured semi-solid foam that is malleable and can be scooped.