Advantages and Disadvantages of Drinking Coffee
I am the only one who drink coffee here so I mostly used three-in one coffee which is common in every store. Drinking coffee is addictive but if you don’t know coffee is actually one of the healthiest beverages billions of people consume regularly. According to what I have read:
- a coffee containing with bitter orange, hydroxycitric acid, and chromium can encourage an increase up to 30% in metabolic rate.
- Coffee with exercise when taking 300mg averages a 20% increase in energy and fatigue while burning fat increased 107% greater than without caffeine.
- Caffeine in coffee keeps our brains alert and receptive of new information. • Regular consumption of coffee decreases the risk of type II diabetes and many other health risks.
If coffee has an advantages there’s also disadvantages:
- Coffee when consumed in excess can be addictive, stimulate, and a mood charger. • A large amount of coffee or caffeine consumed all at once can have a negative affect on blood sugar levels that influences fat burning that could change into storing fat. • Too much coffee over time can stain your teeth.
Read more here.
Home-cooking and Blogging Life
I am quite busy lately and as usual both online and offline. Offline I need to cook a lot for my husband’s meal, it is every three hours. I just cooked three or four times a day because few of his meals are just whey and small portion of rice. Despite of this I still feel very busy that I felt procrastinated to post something on my blogs. Dunno if this procrastination is brought by too much work just to published a post. Imagine in WordPress I need to upload it in other site and etc. unlike in blogger all I need is to directly upload the photo in my post.
Anyway I wake late today and still sleepy. I was not able to finish adgitizing because I have no more time to do it I have too cook some chicken in hot and spicy sauce.
Egg and Sausages
The other night I have fried egg and few sausages, I was so hungry that I have no more time to wait if I have cooked a sour soup, so in just few minutes eating time. The sausage is quite different huh, I missed eating tender juicy hotdogs.