Cooking Macaroni Soup
That’s what I cooked last Monday because we have a lot of left over cooked macaroni from the spaghetti that my husband cooked on my birthday. He used two packs of macaroni which is more than we need, I used some of it and we freezes the remaining macaroni.
Instead of using evaporated milk like what is usually done in Philippines I used cream powder which I bought in Nonghyup Supermarket.
My ingredients:
Carrots, cabbage, cream powder, olive oil, garlic, onion, salt, black pepper and water
My Procedure:
- I sauteed the garlic and onion in olive oil, then when the garlic and onion are little brown I added the carrots and mixed them together with salt
- When the carrots are partially cooked, I added water and little amount of the cream powder (You can add chicken strips if you like)
- Then I add the macaroni and when the soup boiled I added the remaining cream powder and cabbage
- I also added salt and pepper to taste, then I let it boiled until the carrots are soft to eat
- Serve hot
Egg Whites with Hot and Spicy Chicken Sauce
My husband is back to his egg whites diet after our juice fasting, so aside from boiling eggs and just eating the egg whites I also need to fry scrambled egg whites in olive oil and onions, then when it is hard I added hot and spicy chicken sauce. I cooked it for few minutes and when it is cooked, he pour more hot and spicy chicken sauce in it.
Macaroni Spaghetti with Black Olives
This is the spaghetti prepared and cooked by my husband last Friday as advance celebration of my birthday. He didn’t allow me in the kitchen while he is cooking so I enjoyed my time designing a theme, when he is done cooking that’s when he called me to tasted it and make a critic.
He made a nice and delicious spaghetti that I ate all of this, lol. I was astonished with his ingredients little did I know that you can add black olives in spaghetti, in Philippines mostly the ingredients of our typical spaghetti is hotdog and meat. Anyway instead of using ground beef he used Cajun sausage which he ground in the blender. Then when it is cooked we added mozzarella cheese.,