Archive for October, 2011

My Introvert Personality Traits

Weird traits? Yeah right that’s what I have sometimes, there are times I just want to be alone. I don’t want to talk or have a conversation so don’t ever wonder why there are times I am not active in Facebook  as I am hiding from the civilization, except if I am busy that I can’t really visit Facebook like today. Definitely, I am introvert type of person. The most basic definition of an introvert is a person who gains energy from being alone and loses energy in stimulating environments, such as social event while according to -introverts tend to be preoccupied with their own thoughts and feelings and minimize their contact with other people.

[Feeling Sad]

Anyway, my husband called me bipolar once because I am angry few minutes ago and later on I am not, my mood changes all the time . Well it depends upon the people around me, I really have nothing to post because I don’t know where my blog topic goes.

Well, we made a soup together today and we ate all of it as in nothing is left for later,  lol. I need to do my laundry early morning when I wake up, I was too busy that I forgot about it. Rhyming isn’t it?

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Vegetable Soup

Yesterday was the end of our juice fasting and starting today we are going to introduce food into our stomach, fruits and vegetable soup.

So when my husband and I shopped at Lotte Super tonight, we bought our weekly supplies fruits, vegetables and few other items that we need to make soup, when we arrived home we started to make soup. Yes we cooked together and here’s our simple vegetable soup.

Our ingredients are carrots, corn, zucchini, bakchoi, onions, garlic and vegetable soup powder, and water.  We sauteed the onion and garlic in olive oil then we add the vegetables and mixed them together. Afterwards we add water and the vegetable soup powder. When the carrots are soft enough I dropped the bakchoi and let it boil until it was cooked.

You know when you don’t eat food for a long time it makes you very hungry, so I had four bowls of soup. It was so yummy that it does not last long, we made soup for tomorrow morning but sad to say nothing is left. Lol!

Korean Halo-Halo

I am not sure but that’s how it looks like to me, I’ve seen two middle school student carrying this cup while I am going to the Nonghyup Supermarket few weeks ago.  It’s new to me so after I bought the items I need I went to the freezer and check what’s new, I didn’t waste my time to try this thinking it is a new flavor of ice cream.

 But I was wrong, its like halo-halo in Philippine, a popular Filipino dessert that is a mixture of shaved ice and evaporated milk to which are added various boiled sweet beans and fruits, and served in a tall glass or bowl. The difference this cold snack consist only red beans, ice and sugar. It seems Korean love read bean so much because it is always included in any bread or snacks.

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