Archive for October, 2011

Fried Pork with Kimchi

There are times I am already bored of eating just fried pork and when those time strikes the experimental being on me  strikes too.   This is just one of my special recipe (lol) I fried the pork and when it is already a little brown I dropped chopped Kimch with its sauce., I mixed the kimchi with the pork and continue to fry them.


So here’s the result a yummy salty pork from Kimchi Sauce. Best serve with bowl of rice.

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Nappa Chicken Rolls

Well like me,  my husband also sometimes experiment on his food like this one, dunno what should I call this. I just called it Nappa Chicken Rolls, because it composed of nappa cabbage, chicken breast, rice and chilli sauce. To prepare very easy just drop cooked (fried or boiled)  chicken and rice top with chilli sauce in nappa leaves, roll it and ready to it.


Korea National Foundation Day (Gaecheonjeol)

Today is public holiday here in Korea to commemorates  Gaecheonjeol  or National Foundation Day in English . This holiday celebrates the creation of the state of Gojoseon (ancient Korea) founded by Dangun Wanggeom in the year 2333 BC.

I don’t know that is holiday today when I wake up I am startled why my husband is still sleeping when he has a work in few minutes, so I asked if he has no class. He chuckled while saying I’ve been here for a long time and I don’t know the public holidays are.,

Anyway tonight when I went to throw the garbage bag I’ve seen this big stuff toy, it is still okay just kind of dirty. I think a little kid owns this as there’s a lot of brown spots which I believe from chocolates.  Just washed this and it will looks brand new, dunno who’s going to be the lucky owner, I can’t pick it up because it is too big for a box to Philippines.


Anyway the origin of the holiday, Gaecheon refers to 3 October B.C. 2457, the date when Hwanung  descended from heaven to live with mankind. The harvest ceremony was celebrated in each Korean kingdoms; Yeonggo of Buyeo, Mucheon  of Yemaek, Gyeeum  of Mahan and Byeonhan, Dongmaeng  of Goguryeo, Palgwanheoi  of Silla.

In 1909, Gaecheonjeol was enacted as a national holiday.The festival is held annually. At first, Gaecheonjeol had been celebrated on 3 october on lunar calendar but it has been celebrated on 3 october on solar calendar since 1949.

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