Archive for August, 2013

Applying Payoneer Card Online

Living abroad is sometimes complicated, in order to withdraw money from my online earnings I decided to open Payoneer account. I applied online and after three days I received a reply about my application. It was not approved immediately because my shipping and billing address were not the same, I address the other one to my home country and the other one to my current location. After sending required documents and using my current location as the main address I waited for about a week until my application was approved.

In about two weeks I received my card and I was able to activate it and load money into it. It requires a lot of verification before I can connect my account to Paypal and load money into my card but on my third withdrawal after everything was verified I am able to withdraw to my card through UPS safely and freely.

Payoneer Card

One of the good thing about Payoneer is it works like major credit cards though it won’t work unless there’s money on the card as it is a prepaid card. I can used it online and even abroad, I was able to use my card in Russia when we took two week vacation a week ago. I was so happy because I was able to buy a souvenir dolls without bothering my husband to buy it for me or asking money from him.

As the website says Payoneer enables easy & safe global payments, using prepaid Mastercard®, as well as money transfer services worldwide. Payoneer indeed is your World Pay Partner, get your card now!

Originally published @
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Instant Meal and Free Carbonated Juice

Eating instant meal became our past time these past few days.  My husband is craving for energy chocolate and  instant meal so I went to the nearby GS25,  the meal has free carbonated drinks which is lime and peach.

Instant Meal

The meal was quite different from the other meal because it has complete package from salad to meat, mashed potato and chicken, pasta to rice.

Vegetable Soup with Broccoli

Vegetable soup is a healthy diet for everybody. As I am tired of eating sausages, meat and oatmeal I decided to cook vegetable soup the other day and unlike most of the soup I have cooked I added broccoli to my soup and it was great.

Vegetable Soup

Just too bad that I was not able to find zucchini in the supermarket,  I am planning to add macaroni on the soup but my husband doesn’t like my idea so we just ate it as it is.

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