Archive for January, 2014

Dove Damage Therapy Hair Fall Shampoo and Conditioner

Shopping for shampoo and conditioners is what I love the most when they are on sale. I am hopping from the nearby supermarket to look for sale and discounted hair regimen but I can’t find any. Of course, my favorite thing to do is to shop online. Shopping online is more convenient and I can get the best discount using coupon codes and free shipping deals.

Dove Damage Therapy Hair Fall Shampoo and Conditioner

I have tried many shampoos already, but when I used Dove Damage Therapy Hair Fall I have noticed my hair becoming softer and shinier and since then I have been using this brand. Thinking that Dove shampoo will be expensive in the Philippines I decided to buy more Dove Damage Therapy Hair Fall Shampoo and Conditioner to be sent home.

Retail Price: ₩11, 900/780 ml
Sale Price Online: ₩3, 900/780 ml
Savings: ₩8, 000/780 ml

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Shopping at KC Philippine Store near the Philippine Embassy, Seoul

When living abroad one of the things we missed is food aside from our love ones. In Korea there are few Asian stores that sell Asian food items you can mostly find them in a place where there’s an Asian community.  Anyway, while working with my documents to be notarized I have decided to pay a visit at the KC Filipino store just beside the Han Bi Sa notarization office. It is not my first time in the store, my friend and I already ate there when I did my passport renewal.  I think this was my 4th time at the Filipino store, the third time was when I bought polvoron the other day, but this time I want to eat local Filipino viand.

KC Philippine Store

I was happy to see that there’s cooked vegetables left “pakbit” so I have ordered for takeout and it cost ₩5, 000 for a small serving, it  doesn’t even meet the ₱10. 00 cooked vegetables in the Philippines but it doesn’t matter because this is Korea so the price is different.  I’ve ordered one serving of “papaitantoo which I forgot to ask how much. Seeing buko salad for sale I have asked and ordered 2 servings, ₩5, 000 each per serving. It was been a long time since I had this dessert and I just want to treat myself for a job well done in document notarization and one step closer to travel to Europe.

KC Filipino Store, Itaewon

[Pinakbit and 1 serving of buko salad]

Well, looking at the Filipino local items in the store the impulsive shopper me just ask and buy items that I think to be useful.  I have bought a PH Care Feminine wash for ₩12, 000 a little expensive than the ₩8, 000 PH Care Feminine Wash in an Asian store in Itaewon station exit 3, if I am not mistaken about the exit. I have bought my last bottle from there with the help of a friend and I am little lazy to drop there or in the Asian store in our place. I saw Victoria’s secret cologne as well, but when I asked it is kind expensive for me I can buy them in less amount online or in Hyehwa.

Anyway, I was asked what is my job just to start a  conversation like if I am a factory worker, I laughingly replied I am PAL (read palamunin), I am not allowed to work because I am in dependent visa.


[Papaitan before and after removing the soup]

When I saw Ponds facial foam I have bought it too for ₩10, 000 although I knew I can buy them in gmarket for 1+1 in the same price, I am just in a happy mood because I can finally apply for Schengen visa.  When I pay at the counter the total cost of my order is ₩48, 000 so it seems one serving of “papaitan” cost ₩11, 000.  Exiting the door, I saw monggo beans and I bought one for ₩5, 000 I have thought of cooking monggo beans at home.

Monggo Beans Korea

That’s my shopping haul a little bit pricey,  probably if I bought Korean food, there’s more food in my bag, but Filipino food is a food I can’t eat every day in Korea so I have no choice but to spend and Hyehwa informal Filipino market is only around on Sunday and Wednesday is far over to Sunday. So when my husband asked me how much do I spend on my shopping loot, I didn’t tell an amount I just said cheap, I might get scolded or be called crazy for spending too much despite it is my own money and not his.

Well, I have read once from online community of Filipinas in Facebook that it is a bit expensive to buy in KC Philippine store , I guess because of its location and it is a restaurant with a store unlike in Hyehwa informal market (see Hyehwa shopping here) where viand only cost ₩5, 000 per serving is a market and only open during Sunday. Not sure how much does it cost to dine in Kusina Filipino Restaurant in Seoul, I should try it next time.

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Oriental Shrimp Rice by VIPS

One of our favorite restaurant to dine in is VIPS Steakhouse but since we moved outside of Seoul we are out of chance to go to any VIPS outlet because it was not around our place. The other day my husband asked me to treat him some nice instant meal from the convenience store and I was ecstatic when I saw fried rice by VIPS, there’s only two boxes left so I took the two of them on the counter, I am thinking my husband will like it.

VIPS Oriental Shrimp Rice

As I also bought an instant meal and other food items in the convenience store we are not able to eat shrimp fried rice, I ate mine after two days when I came home hungry from Seoul. I just heat the rice in the oven for 1 minute and it didn’t turn out well, when my husband ate his fried rice he told me that I should heat it for 3 minutes and 30 seconds. I didn’t see the instruction on the front of the box that’s why my rice taste like misty and raw.

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