Leaving Korea Soon, Waiting for my LBC Box to be Picked Up
I am quite busy these past few days packing, boxing and throwing things that we cannot used any more like old bags, clothes that are worn out and cannot be worn. We are leaving Korea soon, our flight was already scheduled on Sunday (March 2) to Hungary but we have to leave our apartment before our flight to avoid transportation problem, as it is 2 1/2 hours away from Incheon Airport and our flight is in the morning.
Cleaning also made me busy I have to clean around the apartment because the new teacher will arrive as soon as we left, so the apartment needs to be clean as a courtesy to the new tenant. I have already scheduled my third LBC jumbo box to be picked up by Monday, but I was told that they have to pick it up on Thursday, their scheduled pick-up date in Gyeonggi-do area.
As I am scheduled to go to the Turkish Embassy today, my husband and I left the box in the hallway outside the elevator just in case the tekbe ajossi came and I am not around. We trust to leave it outside because the kids at the Hagwon below are on vacation, and the students renting a room in our floor already left so the chance of kids playing with the box is less. By calling, I stressed out that it needs to pick-up this week because we are leaving on Sunday and nobody will take care of it when we left. I just can’t leave the box sitting in the hallway, we already informed the landlord about leaving the box today in the hallway (my husband co-teacher call him as he is the one in contact), the landlord says we can leave the box but we have to be aware that he is not responsible if the box was lost or damage.
I left early in the morning to Seoul as the Turkish embassy opens at 9:30 AM, before I left my husband and I took the box in the hallway.
I went in and went out, I directly went to the subway to the bus station when I left Turkish embassy. It was perfect timing that the bus is leaving when I arrived at the bus station or else I have to wait for another bus, on the way I received a text message from tekbe ajossi that my box will be delivered between 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm, I was wondering what box is it because I didn’t order anything from gmarket and I am not expecting for tekbe aside from someone who will collect my box.
I have arrived home before 12:30 pm and I was a little bit disappointed seeing my box in the hallway, few minutes after I arrived home someone knocks at the door. It was the tekbe ajossi who delivered boxes two days ago. The boxes are from the new teacher who is moving soon when we left.
Waiting for tekbe ajossi is killing me, I am paranoid, hearing movements around the apartment or seeing delivery truck in the street thinking it is the tekbe ajosssi’s truck. Ha-ha, I am going crazy, being worried that my box will be left alone when we left Korea in a few days. It was already two o’clock in the afternoon and didn’t hear any single knock on our door, tekbe ajossi is usually at my door steps early in the morning to collect my box, so getting worried I call at their office confirming if my box will be pick-up. Edelyn confirmed it is going to be pick-up today, but my husband kept teasing me that my box will not be collected. After a few hours and it is already 4 o’clock and there’s no sign of someone collect my box, I sleep my disappointment and when I wake up it is already late in the afternoon and office hours is finished and my box was not pick-up. I knew, because I can’t count any more how many times I check in the hallway if my box is still there. Ha-ha
We have to start the laundry soon so the clothes will be dry tomorrow and we can packed our bags, while waiting for my turn in the shower I started to blog my disappointment about my box not being collected on the day they told me when I received a call from an unknown number that my box will be pick-up after one hour. I am so happy hearing the good news so I immediately told my husband about it. After one hour I received a call that they are already in our hallway to pick-up my box so I went outside and see someone and greeted good evening. You know I am awarded as the most polite during my kinder years. Ha-ha, I am really so happy thinking I am stress free and nothing else to think about. Anyway, I was told that I can still use the second box the next time I want to send something home, but I informed the guy (which is probably Edelyn’s boss because she call him Sir when I update her that my box was collected) that we are leaving Korea soon and I can’t use it any more because we are not returning. Remembering what Edelyn had told me, I’ve asked if I should pay now or tomorrow. I was told it was fine to pay now so I did.
I was very happy that my box was finally pick-up so when I return inside our apartment, I jump for joy and giggle to my husband like a child with a new toy! My husband call me crazy! Ha-ha sorry I am just really happy, and when I am happy I create a mess or I can’t think straight nor speak normal I mean I just blurted out anything in my mind without thinking! Ha-ha
LBC Korea branch is located at: 1F, 102-1 Hyehwa-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul Korea.
Jumbo Box size – 73 x 52 x 73
Hotline/Contact #: 1661-5899
Kangchi Eating Bones
Small puppies have sensitive stomach, bones can make them sick or feel ill. Although bones can also help them unsharpen their teeth. Chicken bones are dangerous to feed to your small puppies as it can tear their intestine, although bones from pig or cow is probably safe because they cannot chew it but just bite and lick it.
Just after we ate lunch, my mother gives our dog some bones to eat. She is crying so loudly as if she has not eaten yet. But the truth is they already eat, I feed them in advance so that when we are eating they will not cry out loud. After receiving the bone that my mother gave to her, she ran so fast and hides under the table. But she’s not contented hiding under the table. So she ran again and hides under the study table. And there she eats the bone and making some sound as if there is someone who will get her bone.
Sauteed Corned Beef with Potato
One of the canned goods I have missed to eat is corned beef so when I got chance I went to the Asian store in downtown and buy few canned goods including sardines.
At home I sauteed half can of the corned beef in onion and garlic with potatoes, half only because I already ate the half of it with plenty of raw onions.
1 or 1/2 can corned beef, potatoes, dice or strip, onions, garlic and cooking oil
Cooking Procedure:
Saute garlic and onion in a cooking pan, add the corned beef and stir fry for few minutes and add the potatoes, mixed them all together and you can also add water if desire. Let it cooked until done.