Archive for February, 2014

Grilling Bulgogi at Home

My husband and I both love barbecue or grilled meat that’s why we had a electric grill at home. It is more convenient and cheaper than going to barbecue joints/restaurant.  As we are leaving Korea soon I have asked my husband’s permission to send the electrical grill to my family and before depositing it on my box we decided to grill bulgogi on Lunar New Year.

Grilled Bulgogi

We grilled meat in our balcony to avoid smoke and stench inside our apartment.  I just open the window and put the electric grill in top of the washing machine.

Bulgogi is the most popular variety of Korean barbecue. Before cooking, the meat is marinated with a mixture of soy sauce, sugar, sesame oil, garlic, and pepper. It is traditionally cooked using gridirons or perforated dome griddles that sit on braziers, but pan-cooking has become common as well. [source]

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Craving for Korean Street Foods

We had Korean street food last night, it was been a long time since we had them, way back in downtown we have street food every week but since we moved here we always have BHC chicken.  Anyway I went to the nearby canteen where street foods are sold, there are already plenty of customers most of them are students buying their snacks before heading home.  I waited for my turn to give my order, with the help of a tong I am able to add the food I like when the owner can’t figure out how many I wanted.

Cheese sticks are my husband’s favorite, we usually buy bags of cheese sticks in supermarket and we cooked it ourselves but when I discover that cheese sticks were also sold in the street and they taste better than the cheese sticks in the supermarket we stopped buying bags of cheese sticks and if we are craving for it we just head to the nearby canteen. I also bought 2 sticks of fried tteokboki.

Aside from cheese sticks I also bought fried sweet potato, stuffed peppers and dumplings (mandu) as it was already getting late only few are left in the tray so I took them all, my husband told me not to get over board but dunno if I did.

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Good Sleeping Places For Pets

Pet beds are important to provide comfort to the pet where they can sleep comfortably and have fresh mood in the morning. Pets sometimes have aggressive behavior when they are not provided cozy environment. Our pets especially cats normally sleep in our bed or sofa, and sometimes they look for comfortable space to sleep.

Cute Kittens

Well, the last time, the reason why our stuff toys are everywhere down the cabinet is our cat Soju. When I am sweeping the floor I again saw the stuff toys everywhere. But to my surprise it is not Soju, but the three kittens. It was them who make the stuff toys goes down the cabinet. It is cold now here so for them to feel comfortable they slept in the stuff toys because I think it’s warmer there.

Dog Sleeping with Stuffed Toys

I thought I will not be surprised if those stuff toys are again not in their place, but still I am surprise not because the stuff toys are not in their place but because it’s not Soju and also not the three kittens are in the cabinet but it was Kangchi who is sleeping comfortably in the cabinet making the stuff toys her bed and pillow.

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