Archive for June, 2023

Falling in Love With Someone’s Soul

It was lunch break at work and we are watching a TV show where the contestant were plus size and  then out of nowhere one of my officemates asked “𝘼𝙣𝙤 𝙠𝙖𝙮𝙖 𝙣𝙖𝙜𝙪𝙨𝙩𝙪𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝙣𝙞𝙡𝙖 𝙣𝙤, 𝙥𝙡𝙪𝙨 𝙨𝙞𝙯𝙚 𝙤𝙝?”

It is easy to fall in love on what we see; it was easy to like someone when everything is beautiful and perfect. It was easy to be attracted on someone’s physical appearance, to be attracted to someone’s smile and to admire someone’s talents, but when we truly love someone, we look directly into their soul and not into their physical appearance; we found them beautiful and attractive no matter what is their size and shape, no matter how they look like physically.

The thing is love is a feeling that we can’t understand, nor can’t we explain why we felt it. We just felt it, deep down us. It was a feeling that no matter how we tried to stop, kill it and neglect it, it won’t just die and it keeps growing as the day goes by.

When we love someone, we love the very essence of their soul; we love their imperfections and shortcomings, we love even the darkest part of their being. Yes, when we love someone it was deeper than the admiration we felt, we look deep down into the core of their soul, we love and adore them for who they are, we fall for their demons and even to their brokenness, we fall for the mystery they contain within their selves, we want to read their minds and dwell in the sound of their laugh, we felt their emotions, the pain, the sadness and even their excitement, we got connected into their soul.

Truly, we love someone not on how they look like, we love someone more than what we see. ❤️❤️❤️

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Visiting the Sunflower Farm for the Second Time Around

As if visiting the Aspire Farm  wasn’t enough that I went to the sunflower farm again the next day with a coworker, the truth is this coworker friend wanted to visit the sunflower farm and since I wasn’t able to look around and take more photos when we visited, I went with her. We borrowed a motorcycle from our coworker with a promise that we are going to put gas in it.

Visiting for the second time, I was able to take more photos and videos which I have used in my Facebook reels. The flowers were nearing to expire or to the end of their life, but nevertheless  they were still  beautiful and full of life and vibrant colors.

Since it was lunch time when we visited, there were only a few people around.  There are other two groups who are with us on the sunflower farm, and what is funny when my coworker and I started recording the first couple started speaking English too as if showing off that hey they can speak the language, lol. Meanwhile, we befriended the second couple who are seems dating, we helped each other taking photos and even sharing it to each other. They were friendly and sweet. We didn’t stay longer, because we promised to return the motorcycle in time.

Anyway, if you would like to visit Sunflower farm always remember that visiting is best to do early of the season, the peak bloom time of Sunflowers is about two or three weeks, don’t be like us who visited at the end of the season, haha.


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