Archive for October, 2023

My Mother Being Sick and Hospitalized

Our health is the center of our life and being healthy should be part of our overall lifestyle, but that isn’t always the case, we tend to abuse our body and health without realizing our money won’t be enough if our health deteriorates.

A week ago early in the morning, my mother complained of stomach ache and it continued to bother her so she and my sister went to a doctor for a check-up, but that check-up turned to hospital confinement.  She was hospitalized for a simple stomach ache,  which turned out to be acute gastroenteritis of the abdomen.

There was a little drama before her confinement because I told her to seek a second opinion and if ever she needed to be confined I would like her to go to the public hospital or the hospital owned by our boss, it’s private, but at least I maybe could ask our boss for a help through a discount.

My mother didn’t want to be confined, if not to her doctor’s choice of hospital, it was her doctor since she had a stroke a few years ago, and maybe she is already at ease with this doctor, and her experience with public hospital confinement a few years ago didn’t please her, so yes I was left no choice but to agree with her caprice, rather than seeing her sick at home without knowing her case is serious or not.

She was confined for almost three days and two nights, and our bill was in the ceiling, when we requested our bill it was ₱35,000.00, and I momentarily exited my body because I didn’t know where to get that amount, with the help of the doctor and a few of the hospital employees they thought us where to ask for medical help, it might not be enough, but at least the burden was lessened and with a lot of people lining up asking for assistance  my sister and I have to be absent for a day so we can process everything.

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