25th Icheon Ceramic Festival

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We went to Seolbang Park last night just to look around, just too bad that we didn’t go during day time and we missed the performance for the celebration of Ceramic Festival. So all I got to do is pose in the board where the performance schedule is posted.


According to what I read online the 25th Icheon Ceramic Festival, the nation’s representative event for ceramic arts, is scheduled from September 24th to October 23rd at Seolbong Park in Icheon, Gyeonggi-do Province under the theme of ‘Journey From Fire’.

The visitors will have a chance to turn the spinning wheel and make their own pottery under the guidance of a professional potter, paint pottery, and make traditional ceramic toys. In addition, the festival will feature a clay crafts and experience center for children, as well as various ceramic exhibitions.

Admission is free.

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