Cats or Stuffed Toys?

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This is JOVEN, the mother cat.
Paul, 1st daughter



Theodore (2)

Snipey, Snowbell, Theodore and Paul

I just want to show you guys how cute my cats are, I already now have a 7 cats at home.

When I have a problem, I just hugged my favorite cats (Snipey & Theodore), as if they know how I feel. My thoughts lessen for a bit, from the comfort and warm I have got from them.

I don’t how to start this, i just want to lessen up my feelings. I feel i am all alone out of this. I am Filipino who was married to a Canadian. I came from a poor family, my father is just a carpenter in town but behind this i graduated my degree, with the help of my scholarships. I am here in Korea, i have been here by a tourist visa changing it to F3, i had arrived here about last last week of July. My husband is a teacher here. My problem starts when my father had no more work, because he is just a freelance carpenter and you know how difficult life in the Philippines, there is a big competition with that kind of work. A typhoon strucks our Province, that makes their daily living harder. I want to help but i can’t, i don’t have a work here (my F3 visa won’t allow me to work too). It hurts when u hear them they cannot eat because there is nothing to eat, i know life is very difficult in there..coz i have experienced those difficulties and hardships. I am currently looking for work online, but for everybody’s knowing…it’s a hard thing to do, especially i am not a Korean speaker, i can’t even read Korean language. Filipinos get hired here through government, which means my tendecy to be hired is very low. I have told my husband that my family is in need, they are asking if i already have a work here. My husband ask me if i told them that i can’t work here with my visa. I said yes, he ask me too if my father is looking for a job or just waiting that i will have a job? I was insulted, he doesn’t even know how hard to look for a job as a carpenter, our province is just an island. People there were poor like us, so how could he have job if no one is going to build a house? My husband told me too, if i found work here, i will shoulder my own food and half of the utilities here, and maybe i could pay him the plane ticket he had purchased for me in order i can come here. He also added i will also pay the dental fee, he paid for me. Yes, it hurts! It just feel i am betrayed of someone I love. Do you ever think that your husband will askyou for the things he gave to you afterwards? I am really hurt, writing this blog i am crying. I can’t stop crying, I want him to understand me and my family. He gave me choices, either i can have work to other country or go home to the Philippines and find a work. I know that my family is my responsibility not his responsibility. What i want is some word of consolation, not to ask me anything afterwards. I am really hurt, especially sometimes he called me his maid. Even he call me like that in a a joke way, it still hurt from within.

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