Gardening And Choosing The Best Garden Hose
Months after the pandemic started gardening and planting flowering plants became a new trend among homeowners and my mother was among those people who got addicted in planting and collecting flowering plants.
Day by day, my mother’s flower collections is increasing and getting bigger because my sister always bring home some cuttings from friends, members and colleagues. Then barter exchange became a trend in the Philippines, my mother bartered with our neighbors to have more plants in her garden and watering them become a tedious job for me and for my mother so buying an outdoor hose is a must for us, so I search for flexible and quality garden hoses online. I found many options, but Eley water hoses caught my attention having many good reviews among buyers and users. It is dubbed as one of the best garden hoses as it excels in almost all aspects, strong and durable, light and flexible and can last a lifetime which mean we can save money from buying this kind of hose.
Eley water hose is also safe in drinking water, kink resistant and leakage free. The last garden hose we bought didn’t last long as it was cheap and not dependable.
Ring Worm Causes and Home Treatment
With the rainy season, a lot of bugs, insects and ants in the field moved to a dry place so it is not surprising to see crawling ants in the corner of your house and get insect bites. I have previously blogged buying a cream to alleviate itchiness brought by insect bites. It was very helpful to avoid scratching and such.
The first time I felt something itchy in my leg 3-4 inches from my sole, I saw a small pimple in it that looks like an ant bite, I started putting cream on it but I have noticed the itchiness gone and keeps coming back until a group of three pimple marks developed. I scratched it from time to time and no matter how many times I put a cream it keeps coming back maybe because I always have my feet dirty when I am outside. One day, I felt uneasy that I keep scratching it, the old red pimple marks was gone but a new itchy red marks grow and when I looked at it closely I noticed something strange after thorough scratching, the red mark is forming like a circle.
[Photo credit: © Biophoto Associates / Science Source]
When I showed it to my sister and mother they said it is “buni” an allergy you get from eating too much chicken, they told me to avoid eating something fishy like sea foods, chicken and eggs. So for few days I have avoided eating those things, they said I need it to be measured by going to a quack doctor then I will be given a medication.
To avoid the hassle of going to a quack doctor I have searched online for home medication, I have found out the cause of this is fungi, yes it was a fungal infection and not chicken allergy like the belief of the old folks.
Ring worm is caused by fungal infection in the skin and can be acquired through dump places like the bathroom and from people having this type of infection; it can also be acquired through pets like dog and cat. I have first thought I have got it from staying outside, in our outdoor faucet where I always soak my feet when washing dirty rags and our pet bowls especially it has been raining lately, and flooding but then I remember every time I sleep at night it was my habit to put a cushion in my feet and when I wake up in the morning a cat is sleeping in the cushion at my feet so I have thought I’ve got it from them.
Anyway, the medication that is useful for this type of fungal infection were coconut oil, turmeric, garlic and etc.,
Calmoseptine cream was also good for fungal infection as written in the packaging, since I have started putting cream in the infection in my leg it alleviate the itchiness and redness, but since it still occasionally itch and I have found more alternative medicine for it, I have tried it in different days. I first tried garlic, by cutting it in half and rub it through the mark, then the next day I tried rubbing salicylic acid which is a bit painful but surely the itchiness stops and faded a little. To take care of the skin and have the mark to disappear completely we cooked coconut milk to make coconut oil as a new alternative medicine.
Originally published on Herzline/ Sep 2, 2015 at 02:45
A Sideline Fulltime Job Offer
A friend had contacted me this morning asking if I want to work a sideline job, he operates a courier service in Tablas and he needs an operator. Answering queries from clients and working with the riders. Actually, beforehand we already joked him to hire us (his friends) when his business prosper in the island, so I guess that is why he offered me a sideline job.
We talked about the operation, the service charge and etc., then when I accepted it, he asked how about my job which I replied the service is still new so it is not to busy yet, not too many client requesting for riders so it will not be a problem since there will be no meeting yet in the office too and I seldom stayed inside the office as I run various errands outside. He then said, he wanted someone to work just from home, to focus in the operation since he has no office yet, which I replied that he is needing full time operator and not a sideline job, which made him laugh (lol) for his mistake.
In the end I declined the job, since he can’t figure out yet how much I am going to earn being an operator and what he need is actually a sideline fulltime (lol).