Birthday and Beauty Giveaway : My new found passion

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I am type of person who is impulsive in doing things, there are times I am full energy to start things and later I am going to find out I can’t finish them just by losing interest on continuing it.  Anyway passion is powerful emotion, such as love, joy, hatred, or anger. What is my passion?  What are the things I love to do and makes me busy everyday or makes me disturbed and incomplete if I did not do it immediately?

To start with blogging became my passion since I started doing it, earning from it and meeting some friends online. There’s no single day that I don’t log-in in my blog since I started  it and somehow became active again well except for the time that we are on vacation. My blog is already part of me, my everyday life and my sweetest friend that would never make me down. Imagine my life without me blogging, it would be dull isn’t it?  I have no job to be busy with aside from doing house hold chores and cooking for my husband I have nothing else to do that makes my husband  to bring me to the gym with him before I became a hermit. I don’t get out of our apartment unless to shop or to eat outside during special occasions.  So being online and blogging is my new found passion together with photography because a blog will not be complete without a picture as Ate Rose says.
This is my official entry to  Birthday and Beauty Giveaway hosted by Ate Melandria  of Fashion and Passion Online.
This Birthday and Beauty Giveaway would not be possible without the help of these wonderful sponsors.
My Journey to Life |Something to Live By
Prosperity’s Desire |Fashion and Passion Online
Seiko’s Diary |My Online Journeys
Food and Culture |Fashionably Trendy
Earn Dollars Pinoy |Samut-Sari
Anime Heaven |Qlick Tech Blog
Cotton Candy Buzz |A Woman Remembers
Living Life to the Fullest |Pinay Reviewer
BlankPixels- The Geek Side |Online Mommy’s Corner
Rabago Family Escapades |One Day Graphics
Travels and Explorations |Anything and Everything’s Free
Cotton Candy Buzz |Journey of a Dreamer
Learn to Earn from Home | Babies and Contests
My Thoughts, My Heart, My Turf | Life…and then some
Fashion is my Passion |

4 Responses to “Birthday and Beauty Giveaway : My new found passion”

  1. Vernz says:

    Hi Ry, naku down pa yung contest blog ko.. kasi nilipat ko sa wordpress.. sige sali ako pag..OK na.

  2. Mrs. Kolca says:

    Good luck to all who join this contest. Too busy to join some kind of contest this days. Uff!

  3. chubskulit says:

    Goodluck Ry, sige R na rin tawag ko sayo at ang haba nh iName mo lol..

  4. melandria says:

    thanks for sharing your passion to us and for joining my contest too.

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