Browsing Category: "Food and Recipes"

Egg Whites Omelette

Copying my husband’s meal is my favorite thing to do, I sometimes wonder what his meal taste like. He has different meal because he has his own diet plan. Unlike me that I could eat anything at any time, the other night I tried his egg meal which is styled like omelette, composed of only egg whites stuff with mozzarella cheese and meat inside.  It was fried on small amount of olive oil.

Egg Meal Diet

My husband was annoyed at me when I complaint that it doesn’t taste good, no salt, pepper or garlic on it.  Anyway last night he decided not to eat eggs anymore because he is already tired, his been eating egg whites since I can’t remember. He will stick to his whey protein and vegetable diet.

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Microwave Baked Apple

My husband has been telling me that he will cook baked apple, I chuckled because we have no oven for baking but he insisted he can use our microwave oven. It was been postponed for many times already but the other night when he is craving for sweets he eventually does it.

Microwave Baked Apple

He took the upper part of the apple and removed the core then add brown sugar and butter inside, and cook it in the microwave for a few minutes until the sugar is all melted. The photo above was the result, I am able to taste after constant bothering him to let me taste his masterpiece. Lol!

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Chicken Cooked in Coconut Milk Powder

The other day I tried cooking Filipino version of chicken curry using powdered coconut milk I bought in the Asian store.  Though my ingredients are not complete so it is really a chicken curry but a poor man’s curry, haha.

Chicken Curry

Using powdered coconut milk is not that good unlike using fresh coconut milk for cooking, well at least I tried. Ins’t it? My husband likes it though I think he will like more if I used fresh coconut milk and complete ingredients.

Chicken Curry

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8 Traditional English Foods Fit For A Royal Wedding

With the royal wedding still fresh in everyone’s mind, it’s no wonder that many couples are using the regal ceremony as inspiration when planning their own special day. While sometimes overlooked, creating a stellar menu is one of the most important steps in ensuring that your wedding is a complete success. If you’re looking for something reminiscent of Will and Kate’s spectacular big day, here are 8 traditional English foods fit for a royal wedding.

Mini Pork Pies with Piccalilli

A fabulous finger food offering, these delicious miniature pork pies are best served golden and warm from the oven for your guests to snack on. Brushing the pastry with a sprinkle of sesame seeds not only looks great, but adds flavour as well. Have a small pot of Piccalilli or your favourite pickles on hand as an accompaniment for the pies, and allow guests to help themselves

Golden Scampi with Creamy Tartare Sauce

Another simple yet classic English favourite is Scampi. Crispy beer battered Scampi is easy for guests to eat, and taste amazing. Teamed with a tangy tartare sauce, this tasty seafood treat is bound to be a hit. Try a tempura batter for a lighter, less traditional twist on the original recipe.

Warming Pea and Ham Soup

Great for in between courses, this traditional soup is easy to make and tastes sensational. Serve while still steaming with a fresh crusty baguette or rustic sliced loaf and a side of butter for a warming winter dish your guests will love.

Beef Wellington

This is a true centrepiece of any special occasion. Mouth-wateringly tender beef fillet wrapped in mushroom duxelle and moist prosciutto, and finally encased in layers of flaky golden puff pastry, the Wellington is a dish everyone will remember. Made famous by celebrity chef Gordon Ramsey, it is a challenging dish to prepare, however the result is definitely worth the toil.

Beef, Ale and Parsnip Pudding

When you ask people to think of traditional English fare, this has to be high on the list of responses. A hearty meal, this pudding is a great choice for winter weddings, and is simple to create.

Roasted Autumn Vegetables with Lancashire Cheese

A favourite amongst vegetarians, this colourful dish is simply bursting with flavour. Due to its versatility, this dish can also be served as a side with meat roast, for those who are looking for more than the vegetarian option.

[Image not Mine]

Mini Cherry and Almond Tarts

A cute and tasty take on the traditional Bakewell tarts, these miniature desserts are a great way to finish off a hearty English meal. The perfect combination between pastry and cake, these tangy tarts are light and great for guests with a sweet tooth.

Sugar-Crusted Scones

You can’t have tea without scones, so why not include this English staple in your wedding menu. Homely and versatile, you can serve scones with butter, preserves, or jam and whipped cream. Scones are a simply delightful way to treat your guests to a traditional English favourite.

When planning your menu, make sure to take into consideration the dietary requirements of your guests. A simple way of doing so is to ask on the invitation, and allow guests to respond with their RSVP. While on the subject of wedding invitations, remember to match your printed menus to your initial invite theme for a truly cohesive look.

Written by Emma Jane

Emma works as a wedding planner in Sydney. She recently had her own wedding held on Hamilton Island on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.

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Chicken Adobo with Pineapple

I want to try different preparation for my chicken adobo, I remember when I am in grade six in our Home Education class we cooked adobo with pineapple and I like it very much.  I already forgot the name of it but we used spare ribs on that cooking class,  so while we are shopping I have ask my husband if it is okay if I buy can of pineapple circles he agreed so I got one.

Cooking this dish is very easy, just cook adobo the way you cook it and add the pineapple tidbits when it is already boiling.

My Ingredients:

chicken, garlic, onion, cooking oil, soy sauce, vinegar, salt and water


  1. Saute the garlic and onion until brown, add the chicken and mix them together
  2. Add vinegar and boil a little then add soy sauce and water
  3. Let it cooked and when it is already boiling drop the chicken tidbits and a little amount of the juice
  4. Cooked it until you desired, best served with hot cup of rice.
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Steamed Sweet Potato with Olive Oil

These past few days I am enjoying eating steamed sweet potato drizzled with olive oil and salt. I just copied this food into my husband’s meal, I am not really aware that olive oil tasted good on food. You know I came from the country that the only oil we used at home is corn oil or coconut oil, I didn’t care about the olive oil at home when I used it on frying the food still taste the same so it was not a big deal for me.

Well not until I used it on sweet potato, the aroma of the olive oil made me crave for more of this food below. Simple yet so delicious on my tongue.

My husband didn’t like the idea of me eating more of his food because sweet potatoes are quite expensive here unlike rice which is less expensive. Anyway the sweet potato were steamed and cut into pieces, drizzle with olive oil and salt and pepper if it is available.

Chicken Adobo with Sprite

As what I have planned the other day I will cook chicken adobo today and while getting the ingredients in the fridge I saw the little can of sprite which is free from the meal I bought in GS25 a week ago. I only drink soft drinks occasionally as well as my husband thinking it is going to be stock in the fridge for a long time, I took it with the garlic and chicken, I will definitely try a new recipe.

My ingredients:

chicken, 1 cup of vinegar, 2 cups of soy sauce, salt, garlic, onion, cooking oil, sprite


  1. Saute the garlic and onion until brown, put the chicken and simmer for few minutes
  2. Add the vinegar and soy sauce, simmer and add one cup of water
  3. Cooked it until the chicken absorbed the soy sauce and vinegar
  4. Add sprite and cooked the chicken until you desire, you can add salt and pepper to taste
  5. Serve hot with rice

Chicken Cooked in Sweetend Coconut Milk with Squash

While shopping the other day I just have thought I want to eat chicken cooked in coconut milk as I know there’s one in Lotte Super I have asked my husband if I can buy it, he agreed so we bought it. After two days or so I’ve cooked the chicken with squash but when my husband opened the canned coconut milk it turns out it is not pure coconut milk it has sugar on it. It is a type of coconut milk which is used in drinks like piña colada, it is very sweet indeed.

As left no choice I don’t have else seasoning to mix on my chicken as soy sauce is not around I still used the canned coconut milk after my husband divulge eating it. The chicken and squash was so sweet, instead of being a viand it became a dessert.

Pork Adobo with Sweet Potato

I usually cooked chicken adobo rather than pork adobo but this week was different I decided to cook the pork in soy sauce, instead of using potato I used sweet potato because they are on sale in the supermarket. My husband is also eating pork but he don’t eat the fat so I included them on my adobo, it was a mistake because my adobo became too oily.

I cooked the two package of pork I thought it is only small once cooked but I was wrong because there’s too much sweet potato too!

Spaghetti with Spaghetti Sauce with Pimiento

We had spaghetti last cheat day, it is out of our plan but when I found out that the noodles I bought was a pasta and not a noodles that I can cook with soup we decided to have a pasta on Friday.  I boiled the pasta and made a sauce, I just fried some onion and garlic, processed meat and add the spaghetti sauce with onion and pimiento.

It was been a long time since we had spaghetti so it was all eaten that night, nothing is left for another day.

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