Browsing Category: "Food and Recipes"

Pork Stew as in Pork Nilaga

I have thought of cooking pork sinigang but my husband told me not to cook the pork that way because he wants to eat some. Yeah right he doesn’t like sour soup, he preferred pork nilaga or stewed pork especially when he add soy sauce on it.

Well as expected he ate a lot and when it is my turn to eat guess what is my surprised he almost didn’t left some for me. What’s left is potatoes and few meat or let me say fat, he ate the meat and left the fat to me. Lol!

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Chicken Adobo with Sweet Potato

This is my favorite viand chicken adobo with sweet potato. I felt bored just eating chicken adobo alone so I experimented with different variants, I have mixed sweet potato and green peas too.

We usually used sweet potato in vegetable stew at home so I have thought of using it in adobo too. The result is kinda good because the sweetness of the potato compliment with the salty taste of the soy sauce. You should try this recipe too, just cook adobo the way you cook it and just add sweet potato.

Sauteed Pork with Carrots and Cabbage

This is my menu for today, I sauteed  a pork with  carrots and cabbage. It is simple but yummylicious because I used Ginisa Mix on it. I sauteed garlic and onion then add the pork and cook it until brown, add water, the carrots, cabbage, salt  and ginisa mix and cook until tender.

GS25 Instant Meal with Free Cherry Drink

The other night as I felt so hungry and so lazy to cook something I went to GS25 and bought instant meal and when I am paying in the counter the sales clerk told me that there’s a free drink so I went up to the fridge to look for the drink featured in the meal but no matter how I tried I can’t find it so I return to the counter bringing nothing.

It turns out it is is the different fridge just where I get the meal but the sales clerk pointed the two big fridge to me, lol. Anyway the drink is also different from the drink shown in the meal coupon. Until now the drink is still  in the fridge so I can’t tell what flavor is it but based on the color it looks like cherry.

Chicken Adobo with Green Peas

It felt like it was been a long time since I ate solid food and I am very hungry.  I think it was really because my husband was dismayed when the pot of rice turns bad, oh well blame it to my wisdom tooth or to me?

Anyway I cooked adobo the other day and what made it new is I added green peas into it and I have bought that can of green peas over a month ago and I just found a use for it.

When I am still a child I remember how I hate green peas in food or simply in in junk foods like cornick. Honestly I don’t eat them I throw them but now I love the taste of it!

Fried Pork with Chilli Powder

As I am quite busy everyday and cooking  a viand that will give a lot of work to me is not a good idea. So I always ended up cooking simple viand like what I did with the pork I bought. I just fried it in little amount of oil and dropped some salt, black pepper and chilli powder on it.

Sauteed Smoked Ham with Carrots

I just felt bored frying and eating the smoked ham so the other day I cooked it in different way I sauteed it with carrots. I cut the ham and the carrots in tiny tidbits and cooked it.


Smoked Ham, carrots, oil, onions, garlic, black pepper, salt and chili powder


  • Saute the garlic and onion
  • Add the ham which are only cut into small pieces, fried it until brown
  • Add the small pieces of carrots, mix it
  • Add black pepper, salt and chili powder
  • Cooked it until the carrots are half cooked
  • Served it with rice or a loaf of bread. This is also good for sandwich.
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Fish Cake (Eomook)

As what I have mention before I want to change my diet by eating other food aside from chicken and meat. Well this is what I got on fish cake in tiny bites. Fish cake soup (Eomook Gook)  is popular here in Korea you can find it anywhere in the street especially during winter.

It tasted like kikiam (Que-kiam) when friend, I missed eating that street food in the Philippines and now I have alternative.

Vegetable Macaroni

I am planning to cook soup but when I am about to put a cream powder I can’t find one in our kitchen cabinet. I can’t just left  behind the cut vegetables so I sauteed it instead and use Ginisa Mix then I add the macaroni which I already boiled before I found out I have no soup powder.

I didn’t expect the outcome to be good but it was, ginisa mix did the job. My macaroni vegetable tasted good and I eat them all.

Tteok – Korean Rice Cake

I went out today to buy black ink cartridge for our printer and a kitchen utensil. Few minutes after I arrived home our doorbell rang thinking it is the mail man because my husband told me he is expecting a packaged from Canada, probably vitamins and supplements but when I opened the door it is our landlord holding something on his right hand I greeted him and he gave what is holding to me while saying Tteok, I accepted it and say my thank you and he left.

When my husband arrived from school I told him that our landlord gave us tteok and recalling that he might be the one who doorbell early morning which we didn’t answer because are still sleeping.

Tteok is a class of Korean rice cakes made with glutinous rice flour by steaming and it considered as celebratory food like on New Year’s Day or wedding, but plain-flavored tteok is used in home cooking. Some common ingredients for many kinds of tteok are red bean, mung bean and sweet red bean paste, Korean mugwort, jujube and other dried fruits, sesame seeds and oil, sugar, and pine nuts.

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