Browsing Category: "Food and Shopping"

Korean Roasted Pork

When my husband came home from his work he immediately informed me that there’s  a truck selling roasted pork  along the curve, and giving me a hint if I like treating him for something. Of course I know I have too so I dressed up and went down to buy roasted pork for ₩5,000 but when I reached the truck the guy asked me if I want to buy “ocheonon or manon” I told him “ocheonon” but he wants me to buy “manon” as it was bigger than my choice.

Korean Roasted Pork

Oh well, I decided to buy “manon” ₩10,000 because the latter one is quite small and it is probably not enough for my husband’s appetite. The pork is quite ok but not that great as “lechong baboy” in the Philippines or what we called roasted pig. The sauce is a bit salty and read in color, at first I thought it was spicy but it was not.

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Chicken Fillet Pizza from Pizza School

It is the weekend and we are craving for something good, pizza is on my husband’s mind and fried chicken is on mine. But my husband doesn’t want to buy fried chicken because it is a bit expensive and he doesn’t want to eat chicken, so when I went to pizza school I have ordered the pizza he like and I have ordered my chicken, my chicken fillet pizza exactly!

Chicken Fillet Pizza

Great choice isn’t it? I am not only going to have a chicken but also a pizza, I have enjoyed it so much with chili sauce toppings and fickles at the side.  Yum!

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Premium Meal from GS25

Eating the same meal every day is becoming boring so I have asked my husband if we can get an instant soup, he agreed with a plus what I mean to get pizza and chips as well. While at the convenience store I forgot about pizza, I walk repeatedly in the aisle and stay longer in the built-in open fridge where the sandwiches and pizza are. I know it was not sandwiched, without getting a hint what is it I took one of the premium meals at the bottom of the fridge.

Premium Meal

The premium meal cost ₩4, 000 or $3.72, it was a bit more expensive than the usual meal of meat, rice and kimchi. The premium meal has rice, pasta, vegetables, steak, chicken, mashed potato, sausage, pickles and corn salad, it is a complete package actually.

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Packed Meals from Hansot (한솥)

It was raining hard today and we are bored and hungry so I went to 한솥 near the HBC Chicken, we’ve been wishing to try their meal and this is the right time because it is still early and the restaurant might still open unlike those times we crave it is already wee hours. They have no English menu, but their menu board has image on them so I just point the food I want to order.

Meal from 한솥

I am expecting to wait longer but within five minutes my order was already handed to me, super quick huh? I went to Paris Baguette nearby after I got my order to buy brownies but I ended up buying another baked good as well.

Meal from 한솥

The meal was superb, they tasted good and better than the meal I used to buy in convenience store probably because they are fresh and not refrigerated.  Their meals are good for students who are bringing a lunch box at school and even packed meals, picnic, lunch and dinner.

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Instant Meal and Free Carbonated Juice

Eating instant meal became our past time these past few days.  My husband is craving for energy chocolate and  instant meal so I went to the nearby GS25,  the meal has free carbonated drinks which is lime and peach.

Instant Meal

The meal was quite different from the other meal because it has complete package from salad to meat, mashed potato and chicken, pasta to rice.

Chicken Burger Cravings

After two weeks vacation in Russia we finally came home the other night. Anyway last night my husband requested me to treat him, he is craving for chicken burger and instant meal. So I went to the nearby convenient store to buy the food he likes. It’s a treat so I’ll pay for it, as I don’t know which one is chicken burger I bought the 3 burgers I saw in the food shelf.

Burger and Chocolate

Aside from burgers I also bought a meal and energy chocolates he requested too upon seeing them near the counter I am already thinking of going to other convenient store if I didn’t see them. For the last minute I run to the fridge shelf to take chocolate drink, I didn’t buy anything for myself aside from the chocolate drink because I am thinking that I can any of the burger if my husband doesn’t like them or there’s no chicken burger on three of them.

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Macaroons Mocha Cake from Paris Baguette

After watching the season finale of The American Baking Competition we agreed to have a cake last weekend, we’ve been watching the tv show since it started and we always end up craving for sweets and pastries. Originally I would like to buy chocolate cake but my husband tired of me always buying chocolate cake requested me to have something new so I choose macaroons mocha cake it was bit expensive because it is larger than the others. When my husband saw the cake his first impression is we already have that, well I have no choice because he doesn’t like chocolate cake and I am pretty sure he will not like white chocolate cake, blueberry yoghurt cake or strawberry yoghurt cake and other fruity cake and I didn’t mention anymore that there’s cheese cake.

Macaroons Mocha Cake

Well I am the first one who eat the cake, to enjoy it I also prepare a cup of coffee while watching a local show. The cake was good and the mocha taste was great, love the macaroons as well.

After hours I felt hungry again but I doesn’t like eating cake again because too much sugar already so I ate the left over Bulgogi pizza we had on Friday.  Within just few minutes I had a terrible headache with nausea and I ended up throwing out the food I have eaten. I first believed that my food intolerance strike again, I experience this when I eat food which is not freshly cook or meat that is not fresh.

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Bulgogi and Super Combination Pizza

Eating comfort food on the weekend is our routine after a long week work-out in the gym. This week we tried something new because we’ve been eating fried chicken from BHC a month already. We had 59 pizza this week, bulgogi and super combination pizza to be exact, when I ordered the girl didn’t know that I am going to order two pizza so she charged me for one order only so I have to do sign language.

59 Pizza

My husband loves pizza so much that he can eat one large pizza in just one sitting so one pizza is not really enough for the two of us.

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How to Serve Up Savings in the Kitchen

When you’re looking for ways to cut down on household expenses, you may not expect to start in the kitchen. However you’d be surprised just how much you can do to cut your costs and see a significant change in your weekly budget. Here are some of the top ways to serve up savings in the kitchen.

Market Shopping

A great way to save money and get the freshest local produce is to check out your closest farmers market. From organic fruit and veggies to delicious home-made relishes and spreads, you’ll be surprised at just how much of your weekly groceries you can pick up from the market. Not only is it usually cheaper than the large grocery stores, but the food is fresher, tastier and is bound to be a hit with your family.

Odiongan Market

Buy in Bulk

Recently, there has been an increase in the popularity of buying meat in bulk from bargain butchers, and it’s easy to see why. A monthly trip to one of these huge refrigerated warehouses will see your fridge and freezer stocked with prime cuts of meat at unbeatable prices. A large family can literally save hundreds on their monthly bill simply by taking the time to buy in bulk.

Online Savings

If you’re too busy to spend time at the market or shopping around for the best prices, you can take advantage of the increasing prevalence of online grocery shopping. Many sites offer weekly baskets, which include a range of the freshest seasonal fruits and vegies, and will deliver to your door for less than buying through a supermarket. You can also purchase spices, spreads, jams, conserves and more from the comfort of your computer chair.

Internet Tips and Tricks

For the best recipes on creating delicious budget meals, simply jump online. From foodie blogs to active forums, the internet provides an endless resource of how you can create amazing meals on a budget. There are discussions on the best places to shop, innovative recipe ideas and even reviews of bargain kitchen goods and appliances.

Still Struggling?

If it feels like you’re still struggling to make ends meet, consider getting professional help. Whether you’re looking for ways to reduce your debts, need some budgeting assistance or are looking for general financial advice to get you back on track, a reputable agency will be able to tailor solutions to suit your needs. If you want the very best help, you can’t beat Fox Symes debt assistance. As the leading debt solutions specialists in Australia, you will be dealing with an experienced team of professionals who are committed to helping you through difficult financial situations.

With these simple and easy tips, you can make a huge impact on the amount that you save in the kitchen. From checking out the markets to finding great value recipes online, these great ideas aren’t just good for your budget, they’re fun at the same time! Remember that if you feel like you need some help and support to get your finances back on track, you aren’t alone. Call the team at Fox Symes for a free, no obligation confidential discussion about your financial situation today.

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Cheese Sticks and Korean Pepper Street Food

The other day my husband craves for the cheese stick I bought from the canteen in the corner so he asked me to buy few and pepper twigim as well. When I went there it was a little busy it seems most of the Korean felt cold from the rain and decided to have street food to feel warm. I waited for my turn, when I ordered I just point the food I want and used hand sign for how many do I want to order.

Cheesesticks in a Stick

I bought ten sticks of cheese sticks, I think is merely for a kid but we’d like it than the factory cheese sticks in the supermarket, they taste better and cheesy as well.

Pepper Twigim

My husband asked me to buy five pieces gochu (pepper) twigim but I bought ten pieces,  the other five is for me. Hehe,

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