Browsing Category: "Food and Shopping"

My KFC Zinger Burger Meal

My husband asked me to buy double down sandwich from KFC but when I ordered it is sold out. Left no choice I bought burger instead, I had the zinger burger which is a bit spicy, it comes with french fries and medium size glass of coke.

KFC Zinger Burger

The KFC in downtown has new meal for the month which is called Picnic Groove a family set which consists of burgers, cola, biscuits, corn, chicken and free four pieces of egg.

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Benefits of Instant Meal

Probably most of us has no time to cook meal when we are rushing and busy in to something.  That’s where instant meal and  fast food came to the rescue, they are easy to get and no sweat on cooking. Eating instant meal is not unhealthy when you know what food to eat,  there are some fast food chain and convenient stores that cater vegetarian food or healthy instant meals for students and everybody.

Instant Meal

The other night I was too busy to cook my dinner and I asked my husband if it is okay if I just buy instant meal in GS25, he agreed and asked me to buy him smoked chicken and chips.

Deep Fried Chicken

Eating fast food is the easiest way to feed our hungry stomach. As I am quite busy these past few days I am not able to update this blog everyday, well few days ago we are both hungry for Kentucky fried chicken but since we moved to Shinha which is 4km from the main town having KFC is not that good idea especially when you are little lazy to travel and walk around.

Instead we shopped at Lotte Super nearby and look around their instant food/meal on sale. They have different of fast food in one both like bbimbap, chicken, duck meat, dumplings, meat, barbecue and etc.,

We found this fried chicken very cheap compare buying from other shop and fast food stores. The number of chicken are enormous, the sales clerk asked us something but since we couldn’t understand we just shake our head up and down. We are instructed to wait for 5 minutes it turns out she deep fried them again, once they were handed back to me I know the chicken was burnt or have been over fried.

The chicken was already fried, it should be reheated only but I don’t know what happened in the kitchen.

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Smoked Chicken

My husband and I has  new favorite from GS25, that is smoked chicken.  This chicken is more juicy than the chicken drumsticks we usually buy at Gs25.  We just heat it in the microwave and it was ready to eat.

This smoked chicken is cheap than buying the whole chicken in the market and cooked it.

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Sweet Potatoes

Tonight while doing our walking routine we dropped by at Emart Everyday to buy sweet potatoes, they have sweet potatoes on sale.  So instead of buying in the market which we’re doing for few times already since we stop buying sweet potatoes from Lotte Super as they are becoming bit expensive.

Sweet potatoes in Korea are expensive, we bought a small box of sweet potatoes which is about 3 kilos for $9 this is already on sale. So imagine if it is not on sale they surely cost more while I can buy 3 kilos of sweet potatoes for $2 in Philippines.

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Smoked Chicken and a Free Meal

Our ten kilo rice is almost finished what is left is the rice in the pot so my husband keeps reminding not to eat too much rice because the rice should last until Friday. Apparently we also don’t have groceries and we are not  going to shop until tomorrow so left no choice I keep blurting out tonight  that I am hungry and asked my husband if I can buy food in the nearby 24 hours convenient store.

He agreed upon knowing what I want to buy, it turns out he is also craving for smoked chicken. So I wear my winter jacket and went out, while in the store I keep looking in the fridge if they have pizza but unfortunately they don’t have. It was been a long time since pizza is available in the convenient I think it is always sold out.

While paying my bill the woman in the counter gave me an extra food I don’t want to accept it thinking I have to pay extra into it but when she said it is service means free of charge so I took it. When I look at home the meal consist of  ham, eggs, kimchi with tuna and rice.

GS25 Bulgogi Pizza

I am not in the mood to update my blogs these past few days, my heart is mourning for the passing of my nephew in-law.  Tonight we had a short walk around the downtown and after it we went to GS25 to buy pizza, there’s 2 box left my husband doesn’t like it but I do so I bought them. I love GS25 Bulgogi pizza not just because they are meatier but because they are thinner and more flavor on it.

My husband want a real pizza what I mean freshly cooked in the oven so I went to 59pizza to buy him bulgogi pizza. Luckily when I went there the shop was not busy so I just waited instead of going out and walking around the market.

Hotteok and Dumplings

Right after gym my husband craves for hotteok and dumplings so I went out to buy them. Yeah right I am the errand girl because he is the financier (lol). I went to the dumplings place first and bought 4 box of dumplings, which is consist of 2 fried and 2 steamed. There are few customers so I waited until the dumplings are cooked.

Right after I went to the public market where the old woman hotteok stall was, when I arrived there she is with another woman on her age, probably friend or sister, as I already forgot how much per piece is I ask them but as we cannot understand each other I just gave all my money and I ended up having 11 hotteoks.

Pizza and Spaghetti on Friday

Friday is day for cheating in our diet, even it is cold and raining outside I went out to buy pizza and spaghetti. We didn’t buy chicken anymore because it was too expensive and instead of buying baked goods we had set of chocolates for dessert.

I went to 59 pizza to order our food and instead of waiting I went home because the pizza parlor is quite small and there’s already someone waiting. I can’t go to a store and buy something because I bought the chocolates first before ordering the pizza. I had small bulgogi pizza and spaghetti while my husband has pepperoni with cheesy crust.


If there’s one more thing I missed in the Philippines that is eating  sweet delicacy or native food like Kalamay (rice cakes).  The day I arrived in my hometown we went to town to buy rice cakes, I took chances to taste all of them. My favorite though is the kalamay made on glutinous rice with arnibal on the top.

Some of them are made from cassava flour and corn flour, I am not able to eat all the food I bought because I am too full. The next day when I look at them in our fridge they are already stale.

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