Browsing Category: "Home and Living"

Attending Distant Cousin’s Wedding At Lyn’s Fern Garden

If there is one thing I hate, that is a wedding. Why, they are happy when I am not. Anyway, enough of self-pitying, we are invited to the wedding of a distant cousin, her husband to be was one of the basketball players of the team my mother manages, so as expected we attended.

It was a garden wedding, to the place which is very familiar to everyone since it was the famous wedding venue before other contemporary came out the market, the receptions of my classmates who wed last year was also took place at Lyn’s Fern Garden.

Well, unlike church wedding, the garden wedding wasn’t that long because there wasn’t a lot of ceremonies. So after the customary photo taking, is chow time. The couple were very happy, as well the visitors who ate  a lot (just kidding!).

Lyn’s Fern Garden was a good place to rent for birthday, anniversary and wedding parties especially if you are expecting a lot of visitors. It has a huge hall, big parking space and beautiful garden. If you are wedding on summer time, kindly asked or pay for fans, because it was freaking hard to eat when your sweat is running down from your face. I could not say anything about their food because it was long proven that their catered food is one of the best in town.

Brgy. Budiong, Odiongan, Romblon
Facebook page –
Mobile No. –  0920 438 6957

Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored post. Above written post was my own personal opinion and experience and might be different from yours.

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Conservative Way of Thinking in the Millennial Generation

My mother, sister and I always clash or we always end up in argument because we have different views and opinion. They have millennial  mindset while I am little conservative, I am an old fashioned.  They both advice me to do liberated thinking and not to act like an old woman when I am not. They both said, it is now millennial and I should not be stuck up from the old days where everything is old like my mind.

We live near the church so I grow up attending Sunday schools, I lived with my grandmother for a short period of time, and during those time we both religiously go to church and I’ve been surrounded by elder people like her, and in my entire time in grade school I religiously attend Catechism, which made me dream to be a nun back then, those time there were Catholic elders who teach bible stories and verses to children in public schools, I just don’t know if it is still happening today.

As I recall, I remember telling my mother I wanted to be a nun when I am in grade school. She was surprised, but then she told me I could still serve the Lord even if I am not a nun, in my little mind I know my mother was thinking what will be our life, if me the eldest child goes to convent.

Anyway today, my mother told me to wake up, be smart and not to be stuck up in the past. The world is changing so I should change too and have a millennial  mindset like everyone else, because if not I will always be hurt.


Christmas Fellowship: God’s Greatest Gift

It is Christmas day again soon, the entire theme for the month was God’s Greatest Gift. The Christmas fellowship was celebrated on the 22nd with mini-concert from the young people, they sing, play ukelele and do interpretative dance.  After which was exchange gift, the kids do it first then adults, contrary to the norms you have to go upfront and seek for the person (your monito/monita) you picked from the Christmas draw a week before the fellowship, it was a bit hard because everyone uses aliases. You have until three tries to guess the right person, if you are not able to do it right you have to pay a fine.

It was quite entertaining and funny guessing, everyone had a good laugh.  When the adults finishes their exchange gifts the young people follows where I have joined as well, the process is a bit different you have described your monito/monita.

And as expected, I was told that it was hard for the young people who got my name to choose what gift she should be given to me, there was also a raffle draw.

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