Browsing Category: "Home and Living"

Aching Foot and Knee Minor Accident Made it Feel Better

I wasn’t feeling well these past few weeks, I have indigestion and acidity to deal with, painful upper back and hips and then these past few days I felt a discomfort on my left foot and since yesterday my knee hurts like it was dislocated.

My mother told me that I drink too much coffee that’s why my hips is painful, she encourage me to drink a herbal coffee, I have been drinking it for sometime but I got tired of the taste of it so I switched back to 3n1 coffee and since a few days ago I drink the herbal coffee again but the pain didn’t still go away. I guess, it is already sign of aging, the perks of getting old.

Coffee & magazine

[Photo courtesy of Kaboompics // Karolina/]

Early this morning I did cold compress into my left foot, it was very painful but to no avail my foot didn’t feel any better, my knee hurts even more especially when I stand up from sitting.

Anyway,  I have feed my cats and dogs at lunch and I accidentally slid with my left foot (like someone push me) while carrying their food, I have already thought of getting a broken bones but surprisingly my foot got better, it fixes my foot and knee, the discomfort was gone and my knee didn’t feel that painful anymore. I have wonder how did I slid but I didn’t think much of it anymore, I am just thankful that it made my foot and knee better.

My back still hurting though, I don’t know if it is because of acidity. I was washing the dishes when I tried to burped and puked many times, when I did I tasted acidity in my mouth. I am feeling anxious about my upper back pain because I inhaled a lot of muriatic acid fumes almost a week ago when I cleaned our bathroom and living room. Morbid thoughts about my lungs is disturbing me, huhuhu.

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Cleaning the Bathroom and Accidentally Electrocuted Myself

Cleaning the bathroom is one of the things I do even before, so a few days ago I decided to clean our bathroom barefooted, it was been a long time since I cleaned it thoroughly because the water supply in our barangay (village) is scarce, the water only runs in the morning for about 2-3 hours.

As cleaning agent I used muriatic acid as well as bleach without using a mask for protection,  I have cleaned it thoroughly from walls to floor. I have turned the lights and fan but I think it was a wrong move because I inhaled so much fumes from muriatic acid leading me to choke and cough, I went out for a bit to inhale fresh air. When I am done cleaning I switched off the light and fan and that’s when an electricity bolt run through my finger to my head, I was shocked for a moment but I still managed to pull back my finger, maybe if I didn’t I was electrocuted to death.

Hygiene, Bad, Towel, Bathroom, Soap, Sponge, Wash

[Photo courtesy of RitaE/]

The bathroom switched light was gone for a minute, I have already thought I broke the switch. I was thinking if I should tell my mother that I was almost electrocuted and I broke the light/fan switch. Thinking she might go to the bathroom and get electrocuted as well, I decided to tell her not to touch the bathroom switch and a little story of what had happened to me inside.

My mother is really epic, instead of being worried to me I got scolded for being careless and splashing water in the wall where the electric switch was.

Anyway, it was the strongest electric shocked I encountered in my life maybe because I am barefooted, the electric switch and the floor is wet as well as my hands.  I thought it was the end of my life but I guess I still have purpose here on earth.

My head aches after I got electrocuted, the lower part just below my ears. I think my brain got an electric shock! The next day, I cleaned our living room using muriatic acid and inhaled more fumes again.

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Pagtatawas: A Visit to a Herb Doctor

One morning I woke with a chest pain, like there is some boulder or hollow blocks in top of my chest. It scares me because I thought the lump in my breast is already envading my veins or body, I complained about it to my family but they didn’t do anything aside from asking what did I do.  The pain didn’t go away the next day, it was much worst because my back hurts as well, I almost panic thinking my lungs is deflating or watery.

Being bewitched by unseen being is normal in rural areas, so my sister and I went to a female herb doctor complaining my chest and back pain and I was asked what did I do before experiencing pain, she chuckled asking what am I carrying at my back to feel the pain.

Well, the night before, I have only thrown the cat litter in the vacant field, after doing an egg ritual it was found  out that I got bewitched by unseen being.  Believed it or not, but the form that was shown by the egg whites above was the same form that was shown when my sister went to a herb doctor a few months before I did. It wasn’t coincidental, it only means we are bewitched in the same place, which is true.  When I throw the cat litter in the rugs that night, I have already felt something strange like I am not alone and there’s some being looking at me, I was actually on hesitation to walk through but I I still did.

Anyway, the healer massage my back a bit and I was instructed to pick some clutter in the place shown in the egg whites dropped in a glass of water and burnt it together with the egg shells, and have the smoke goes to me (tuob) and after which I should throw the dirt or the burnt clutter back to the place where I picked them. I felt better after seeing a herb doctor my back pain was gone and I am able to sleep after doing the smoke ritual but when I wake up from a power nap I felt pain in my chest again.

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