Browsing Category: "Home and Living"

Feeling Bad for Being Snobbish and Rude at Times

We have different character and different approached to people. I am type of person who is snobbish and doesn’t really smile unless I know you; I won’t really open a conversation unless you open first. Just like an old crazy genius had told me a long time ago I am type of person who doesn’t trust at first sight, he said I observed first before speaking to someone and once I am being comfortable I easily trust and I am being too talkative. He was able to blurted it out when my classmates and I saw him in the public park;  he is known for being a walking encyclopaedia . As young students who can’t even memorized all the lessons at school my friends excitedly approached him and asked the scientific names of things on their mind. They all went amazed and asked so many things while I was just in the back looking at them and listening and that’s where he blurted out that I am different.

These past few days I am feeling bad for being rude and not socially inclined, like for not speaking a word when someone is talking at me or just nodding when someone asked me something. We cater photocopy at home with the use of a printer, $10 a month was already good since there we really don’t have a lot of customers just neighbors who are burdensome to go town to get one document to be photocopied.

One day while photocopying some music sheets for a church, I was asked by the customer if I was a COP student way back on college, I corrected it by saying Information Technology and then he blurted out that he was seeing me around back then (seeing in the school or maybe institute) instead of asking him what year he was or what was his course I just keep my mouth shut, yeah right I didn’t say a word nor continue a conversation.  When the customer was gone I have asked my sister if I did the right thing of not speaking, my sister chuckled on disbelief, she said I was too rude and so snobbish for not uttering any word.

Today it happens again, someone came to our house to have some documents to be photocopied. I was perplexed when she went inside our house with her slippers on; it was a strict rule inside our house not to bring our dirty slippers inside. Since I don’t feel good about it when she asked to sit in our chair instead of happily saying yes I just made a letter O sound and when she was gone I have asked my mother if I did the right thing or if I was being rude again. My mother didn’t answer me directly she just told me I should just let her with her slippers on since that’s how it works on their house and today my guilt is eating me again and can’t stop thinking about it, thinking that I am being too rude again to people.

Am I really rude?

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A Blessed Sunday: My Heritage of Faith, My Legacy

It was been a long time since I write about Sunday, my internet was just slow to open pages since the frequent raining last month. Today is the first Sunday of the month so the church service was a bit early,  after drinking a cup of coffee I headed to the church nearby.  Pastor E’s scripture reading for today was from 1 Thessalonians 1: 1-3, with a new topic for the whole month which is “My Heritage of Faith, My Legacy”.

When we die, we all leave a legacy behind. Have you ever considered what legacy to leave when you die? How do we want to be remember?

Image result for faith, love and hope and the greatest

[Photo courtesy of]

According to Paul on verse 3 one of the character of a lasting legacy is faith, faith produces good work. Faith is when God invade our hearts, when He let Him do the things for us and accepting His ways rather than doing our own ways.  The second character is the legacy of love,  a labor prompted by love.  Pastor E set an examples what is laboring love, the first one is loving without getting anything in return, the other example is accepting your spouse imperfections, he reiterated how a couple is perfect before marriage, but after marriage all imperfections arises and choosing to accept those imperfections are called labor of love, the last one is the legacy of hope inspired of endurance.

Pastor E finished his preaching by leaving an quotes from Benjamin Franklin that  says “If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write something worth reading or do things worth writing.”

A Blessed Sunday: The Revolution of Character

Today, after drinking  a cup of coffee and eating “kakanin” I head on the church without much to take care of. The scripture verse this Sunday was from Colossians 3:1-4. Pastor E talked about character, how it is our inner strength. He says character is not what we do but it is who we are and it defines us, the expression of our faith.

Image result for Colossians 3:1-4

Pastor E didn’t speak so much he just elaborate the importance of character as a Christian and how Christian should be after accepting Christ as their Lord and Savior, that the old has gone and the new is here, we must live like Christ like. A Christian a completely changed person, transformed in character.

The responsive reading was very touching and it reads like this –

Father, During this coming week there may be times when I shall not be able to sense Your presence or to be aware of Your nearness.

When I am lonely and by myself I TRUST YOU TO BE MY COMPANION.

When I am tempted to sin I TRUST YOU TO KEEP ME FROM IT.

When I am depressed and anxious I TRUST YOU TO LIFT MY SPIRITS.

When I am crushed by my responsibility and overwhelmed by the demands of people on my time, I TRUST YOU TO GIVE ME POISE AND A SENSE OF PURPOSE.

When I am rushed and running I TRUST YOU TO MAKE ME STILL INSIDE.



When you take something or someone from me that I want to keep; when You remove the props I lean on for comfort in place of You; when You refuse to respond to my questions and to answer my selfish prayers, I WILL TRUST YOU EVEN THEN. Amen

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