Asking and Giving Directions to a Stranger
Today we went to pick-up some LBC items in our town and while waiting to claim it a foreigner came, asking for the status of his items, he handed his ID but the lady didn’t find anything on his name so he went out and after few minutes the foreigner return handling his phone with the tracking number in it saying the box is coming from Russia and he was told to claim it in where he is. Since I am curious and the lady doesn’t know what to say because she is not familiar with the tracking code, I looked at the stranger’s phone and I ended up informing him that he should claim his box in the postal office and telling him how to reach it, yeah right it turns out he has to collect EMS items from Russia. I know to differentiate EMS tracking code since I used the service when I am still living in Korea. Jezz, I am not good in giving direction so I don’t know if he found the postal office, probably yes since I heard he drove a 4-wheel car and he can easily spot the water station where he needs to turn left, I knew he is driving a car after I was informed when I blurted out when he left that my sister should just drive the guy in the postal office.
As I am saying I am not that good in giving direction because I remember when I was in first year high school and my classmate tagged me along to his father’s workplace so she could get allowance, when we are returning to school a foreigner stopped her and she was scared so she called my attention when the foreigner started speaking, it turns out the stranger was asking for direction on how to reach the municipal station and since I am nervous too and my first time to talk to someone in English aside from our English teacher, I thought I blurted out “over there” while pointing the municipal station but my classmate says I only say “there” while pointing out. LOL.
Going home after claiming the items my sister blurted out, she is “nosebleed” and she can’t understand anything because I speak faster and it sounds like with a slang but I think the foreigner understood what I am saying because it looks like he did and he didn’t asked me to repeat it. Well, I hope he did. Lol
Life in the Island: Disappointing Internet Connection
Living in the island is not always a paradise. Most of the time it feels like living hell, hot temperature, scarce supply of water on summer, insufficient supply of electricity that cause excessive blackouts, far from the main city and especially poor signal for mobile and data network especially when typhoon passed by.
My life is in the internet; my source of living is in the internet but with the poor internet in our island, I am losing everything, my blogs and my earnings not to mention the life I thought to be a happy one.
The other day I received a notification that the free upgrade of Windows 10 is ready, so I bought load for the Smartbro stick so I can used it in town. Using the stick is better than using a pocket wifi because the latter is only limited for 800mb per day, but to my dismay it was just a waste of money. I cannot even surf the internet, pages can’t be opened and can’t even check emails. Tried it twice in town but I both ended up just losing my patience and my battery charge. So disappointing!
We ended up going to neighbouring town the next day since we have noticed that internet is a bit faster in the said town compare to our town. Since we have no place to hang-out with, we ended up in their park and it was ended a bit faster, but I still end up not able to finish my Windows upgrade because my internet load expired and my laptop battery was already drained.
Well, I have heard from other people it is possible for me to get a faster internet if I purchased a router and an antenna but the downside it cost a lot of money about $200 or more including the installation fee but excluded the wires and other installation materials. So we asked for details in town but we are told that we can try it but it is not guaranteed we will be able to connect or get a faster internet because we live outside the town. Very disappointing if you may ask me because if it didn’t work in our house my money will just be flushed in the drain, isn’t it? L
Finally Unlimited Water Supply
The water supply in our barangay is scarce; it only runs for 2-3 hours in the past three months so we decided to use larger containers to stock water for cooking, the bathroom and kitchen. And these past few days after many rains the water supply is back to normal it runs throughout the day unlimitedly.
Today, we decided to empty and keep the large containers but before doing it we end up cleaning them because the water quality in our village is not good and not suitable for drinking. The water builds up some solid white particles in the containers, like a hardened limestone’s maybe because the water is coming from the mountain and deposited in a concrete tank uphill.
Anyway, was thankful that we can now wash clothes and rugs any time as well as bath longer too. We also don’t need to collect and fetch water, when I was young we only used water pitcher pump as water source, there is no running water but today those type of pump are long gone they dries out.