Browsing Category: "Home and Living"

Accident Prone for Being a Clumsy Person

Clumsiness can be quite a challenge to deal with. I admit of being clumsy all the time knocking things over, spilling drinks, dropping food and tripping and stumbling over almost anything. There are times I hurt myself because of my clumsiness like the other night I accidentally had a painful split lesson. I accidentally stumble on our printers power adapter, I lose my balance and slid. I fell on my left knee while the other is stretch upfront it was like I am splitting. I hurriedly jump into the bed after accident mending my painful knee and waist sometimes I wish there’s foam sheets from Foam Factory installed in our floor so I won’t get hurt every time I stumble over.


[Image source]

I am expecting my husband will laugh on me but he was in shocked and probably feel bad when I roll in the bed shouting in pain. When he eventually realized what happened and I felt a little calm the teasing started, asking me for rein-enactment.

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Korean Lunar New Year

It is holiday in Korea since yesterday because of the celebration of Seollal or Lunar New Year, my husband and I shopped for marinated pork meat to grill at Nonghyup supermarket like what expected the supermarket is giving food trays to every shoppers. We are asked to get one but we declined because we are moving soon and we can’t use it.

Korean Lunar New Year

[Image from Google Search]

Korean New Year is the first day of the Korean lunar calendar. It is one of the most significant traditional Korean holidays. It consists of a period of celebrations, starting on New Year’s Day. The Lunar New Year celebration lasts three days.

The three day holiday is used by many to return to their hometowns to visit their parents and other relatives, where they perform an ancestral ritual called charye. It seems most of the occupants in our apartment building went home to their respective ancestral homes because it is quite empty unlike the normal days, most shopped are closed as well.

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My Second LBC Jumbo Box is Ready for Pickup

Within the success of sending my first LBC jumbo box to the Philippines (read here Sending Balikbayan Box LBC Korea to Philippines) and within 5 weeks left before we leave Korea I am in hiatus mode to send my remaining stuff and “pasalubong” to my family and relatives. I have informed LBC last Wednesday that my box is ready for pickup but because I am going to Seoul on Thursday and probably Friday too, I have told them to pick it up on Monday. But when I came home from Seoul yesterday, I have no appointment on Friday so I immediately informed Edelyn that my box can be pick-up today (Friday).

LBC Korea

Tekbe ajossi came early morning today (Friday) bringing the new jumbo box I have ordered, yeah right I have thought I only need 2 jumbo box to send my things home but it turns out I need more. The second box was just for pasalubong and my personal things, I still have things left to be sent home.  My second box was not pick-up today as the tekbe ajossi’s truck is already full of boxes, was informed he will pick up my box tomorrow. No problem for me, I am around the house the whole weekend. 🙂

LBC Korea branch is located at: 1F, 102-1 Hyehwa-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul Korea.
Jumbo Box size – 73 x 52 x 73

Well, as expected my box was not collected the next day because it was weekend. The tekbe ajossi returned on Monday to get my box.

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