Browsing Category: "Home and Living"

Watching Great British Bake Off

If there’s one thing my husband and I in common that is  the love in watching baking show, we are the last one to know that there’s already fourth season of the Great British Bake off.  My husband immediately downloaded all the episodes of the said baking show and we have watched episode by episode.

Great British Bake Off

We are fans of the bake off challenge, we have watched the American and Australian bake off as well. Of course while watching my husband and I has one or two bakers we would like to win, when Frances won my husband believed she really has the talent and she is really a baker from within.

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Sending Balikbayan Box from Korea to Philippines

We are leaving Korea in less than five months but we already boxed the things we don’t use so we could send them home, I have already mailed one box few days ago through EMS and I still have three boxes need to be mail.

EMS Korea

The first box is souvenirs and travel magazines, second one are my clothes and the third box is mixed of everything from books, shampoo, lotions and etc.,

The other day I decided to call the hotline (1661-5899) of newly open LBC Korea, I have ordered two large boxes. I have decided to use their service rather than EMS, the last three boxes I have sent through EMS except the box I sent few days ago (which is still on delivery) were opened and some items are missing so I have thought to try a new courier and I am going to blog about my experience in LBC once I received the box I have ordered, my items were already shipped to the Philippines and my family received them completely.

Sending items through LBC (Korea Balikbayan Box) is a lot cheaper than sending through EMS where it is measured per kilo. Unlike in LBC it is per box and location, one large box (jumbo) will cost ₩120,000 for Manila and Luzon and ₩140,000 for Visayas and Mindanao no matter how heavy your box is.

LBC Korea branch is located at: 1F, 102-1 Hyehwa-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul Korea.

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Insufficient Address: Return to Sender

My husband came home today with a brown envelope in his hand, the moment he told me that it was meant for me I feel excited already to see where it came from.  But seeing the familiar envelope made me realized it was a RETURN TO SENDER mail, it was a failed delivery because of insufficient address.

Return to Sender

I immediately contacted my friend who maybe patiently waiting for this mail about the delivery failure.  It turns out she forgot to write the street address, so I have to mail the postcards again whenever I went to downtown.

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