Browsing Category: "Pets and Home"

Meet Kangchi A Chocolate Color Puppy

After a few months of no pet dog when our beloved Jihoo went to pet heaven, here comes my new pet dog named “Kangchi”. I named her after the Koreanovela “The Story of Kangchi”. So happy to have a new pet, I got this dog from one of my mother’s customer on her buy and sell business.

Cute Chocolate Puppy

Kangchi is a  very cute and lovable puppy, when I brought her home the other day (December 28, 2013) I immediately bath him and get her “lice” and after that she sleeps. When my mother wants to take a bath she noticed that it’s smell bad in the bathroom, it turns out Kangchi’s do her business the bathroom and when I open the door  early this morning she went out and to my surprise she pee outside our house. Does it mean, we don’t need to train her to do her business outside the house? Well she is really cute right?

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Soju Sleeping with Stuffed Animals and Toys

The cat is said to be one of the most sweet and loving animals but I think cat is also one the most playful pet. Why? Because, one night when I was looking for my pet cat named Soju. I saw the stuff toys scattered down the cabinet, and as I go near it there is Soju, he is  sleeping in the cabinet making one of the stuff toys as his pillow.

Cat Sleeping with Stuffed Animals

Sometimes Soju also is like a dog  he loves to follow us and if you don’t see him you will step right to him and when you accidentally step on him he will cry and sometimes he will bite you but not a deep bite though. There’s an instance too that when he’s lying in the floor and you walk beside him, he will catch your feet and try to bite as if he wants you to play with him.

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Soju Sleeping in Top of the Big Box

Boxes really create attraction to cats, it was like their place of comfort. Soju, our young male cat whom I named from popular liquor of South Korea (soju) find a solace to sleep at the top of the large balikbayan box I sent home. Look at the photo below how he peacefully sleep.

Sleeping Cat

Soju was the only cat left to our family, some of the younger cat died because they are being bullied by the neighbor cat. It was saddening but we can’t prevent it especially when they fight at night. 🙁

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