Browsing Category: "Pets and Home"

Walking a Puppy

When the website Friendster bid goodbye as social network I back-up most of my photos to other site like multiply and flickr.  The other day I browse all the pictures I uploaded in picture and I stumble to Scottie’s picture, our lovely dog.  I got Scottie from a relative, he was very small compare to his dog siblings.


I once took him to work because I can’t get enough of his cuteness, he was mistakenly as chihuahua thought he was not he’s only a native dog. The funny thing though when I allowed him to walk in the street, he walked like his feet is one inch away from the ground. I think the pavement was too hot for his tiny feet.

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Traveling with your Pet

If you’re driving with your pet, you’ll need to find a comfortable and safe way for your pet to travel. When Jihoo was still a little puppy my mother and sister brought him to town.  They put him in a large shoulder bag with his head stuck out, what is funny though every time he saw dogs in the street, he keeps barking as if he is calling attention or probably teasing the dogs. Haha

He is such a cutie when he is still a puppy, one time while they are traveling Jihoo start crying and when they put him down in the ground he pissed which is good because he is well behaved and he knows that it is wrong to pissed on his bag.

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A Very Cute Kitten

My family has a new kitten which I forgot to ask what’s its name again. My sister says they got this cute kitten from the house of their professor when they went there to do their group thesis.  Their professor and his family has five little kittens and they  are giving all of them to my sister because they are nasty, which means they poop inside their house.

My sister take only one kitten, she choose the female kitten.  This kitten is sweet and doesn’t give problems to them, she looks so chubby on the picture above, my sister says the kitten was playing when they took the photo.

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