Browsing Category: "Pets and Home"

Playful Kittens

My family has four cats, two of them are grown up male and the other two are kittens from different mother cat. They got the other one from my aunt and the other one from a friend. When I arrived in our home one of the first thing I have asked was the name of the cats it turns out the two kittens has no name yet so I named them Soju and Kimchi.

Soju was for the male kitten and Kimchi for the female one which is the smaller. The picture below was taken on one fine day while we are in our backyard looking for the laborers removing the coconut roots. The kitten went out as well as they are like dogs they want to go where ever we want to go.

Probably Soju (the kitten sitting in the piece of wood) is in the mood for play so he keeps playing with Kimchi’s tail the thing though Kimchi is not feeling well as you can see she looks very pale and thin. She is sick for few days already, had a fever too on the last few days. So she is quite uncool when Soju plays with her tail.

Biking with Dog

I just arrived the other day from almost one month vacation in the Philippines if there’s one thing I enjoyed upon my stay, that is able to hold and touch a pet again. It was been a long time since I am able to do it, when I first arrived our family dog was not  happy to see me. He keeps barking and growling at me, probably because I am a new face to him but within few days he is already used seeing me but still we are not too closed that I am still scared to touch him alone.

One day my sister test our other bike and I asked her if she can took Jihoo for a ride as they told me already that Jihoo loves riding in that yellow bike with father. So she did, on their next trip my sister asked me if I want to go with them (Jihoo) I willingly say yes but it turns out Jihoo doesn’t like my presence or someone riding on his bike because the  moment I sit in the bike he growls and went down from the bike and when I went down he went up to the bike again, such a baby!

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Jihoo a Family Dog

When I first arrived home my sister’s dog Jihoo keeps barking at me, I am not able to come near him because he seems very angry with me and I am also afraid to be bitten and get rubbish.

 After few days Jihoo became tame, I think he get used of my presence though there are time that he growl at me so what I did I am the one who walked him in the morning or night so he can pee or poop. I am also the one who feed him together with the cats.

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