A Cat Looking For Food
The other night when I went to Family Mart I happened passed by at the garbage area and saw this cat below looking for food. I stopped and took photos of him, unlike most cat I saw in the street digging for food this cat was not afraid of me. He just let me take photos of him and continue what is he doing.
This cat is quite healthy and big, it seems he is properly feed but he still look for food.
Caring For Your Pets
Having pets at home is like having an extended family that will always be there when you needed them. Pet owners have varying reasons why they are keeping pets at home. They believe that pets are good stress relievers as they take away negative feeling. It is also said that they offer unconditional love and are loyal to their masters. Taking care of pets also helps people, especially kids, to become responsible as their welfare are considered most of the time.
Among the many important things that one must to look into is the pet health because it says something about the overall condition of the pet. To fully enjoy your pets at home, it is important to take good care of them by letting them eat the right food and giving them enough exercise. When you think that your pet’s health is failing, you should immediately see the veterinarian so that proper care will be given. Losing our pet is like losing an important member of the family. We should give them extra care before it is too late.
New Cat
My family has a new cat again that made their cats to be three, so I asked my sister for a pic of their new cat and meet her below, as usual I forgot to ask the name of the cat. This cat came from my cousin one of the grand daughter of our late mother cat, Joven.